Country/Date Scott Gibbons Michel Yvert Denom. Comments / Description

BATUM (Russian Republic)
1995 -- -- -- -- 900
These sheet contains #45-52 in
Catalog of Local [Russian] Stamp
Issues, Part II

1996 -- -- -- -- 2100
Green turtle; oddly, this stamp
is part of an "Arctic Animals" issue;
#108 in Catalog of Local [Russian]
Stamp Issues, Part II

BATUM: Counterfeit Sheet Contains Scout Logo

8 Aug, 1990 945 1080 1044 932 10
Green turtle

8 Aug, 1990 946 1081 1045 933 25

8 Aug, 1990 947 1082 1046 934 60

15 Feb, 2000 1123 1258 1225 1122 30

2003 Noted -- -- 1162 30
#1123 re-issued; 2003 in bottom margin

BENIN: Counterfeit Stamps


BEQUIA (Grenadines of St. Vincent)
10 Dec, 2001 303a Noted 306 -- $1.40
Leatherback hatchlings

10 Dec, 2001 303b Noted 307 -- $1.40

10 Dec, 2001 303c Noted 309 -- $1.40

10 Dec, 2001 303d Noted 308 -- $1.40
Leatherback nesting

7 Aug, 2012 -- Noted 806-810 -- --
"Sea Turtles of the Caribbean" sheet with
5 different $2.50 sea turtle stamps; hawksbill,
Kemp's ridley, Leatherback, olive ridley
& loggerhead

19 Feb, 1979 378 402 367 368 $3
Green turtle

4 Dec, 1986 509 534 498 497 90c on $3.
#378 overprinted with surcharge

4 Dec, 1986 -- 534a -- 497 90c on $3.
#378 overprinted with double surcharge

4 Dec, 1986 Noted 534b -- 497 90c on $3.
#378 overprinted with double surcharge,
one of them inverted
4 Dec, 1986 -- 534c -- 497 90c on $3. #378 overprint, 90c omitted

9 Aug, 2001 817 872 804 819 95
Green turtle being released

22 Mar, 2018 1136 1210 1150 1143 50¢
Green turtle - one of 4 sea turtle stamps
issued for the 50th Anniversary of the
Bermuda Turtle Project

22 Mar, 2018 1137 1211 1151 1144 $1.15
Hawksbill turtle

22 Mar, 2018 1138 1212 1152 1145 $1.35
Loggerhead turtle

22 Mar, 2018 1139 1213 1153 1146 $1.55
Leatherback turtle

22 Mar, 2018 1140 MS 1214 Block 26 BF28 -
MS Commemorates 50th Anniversary
of the Bermuda Turtle Project
22 Mar, 2018 1140a -- 1154 -- 10¢ Green turtle in MS
22 Mar, 2018 1140b -- 1155 -- $1.35 Hawksbill turtle in MS

20 Jun, 2013 702 1032 622 1.00
Stylized loggerhead in logo;
2013 Mediterranean Games

1 Nov, 2019 402b C530 528 485 3,10 BAM
Green turtle

1 Nov, 2019 402c C531 529 486 3,10 BAM
Green turtle incorrectly ID'd as Loggerhead

BOTSWANA: Counterfeit Stamp

5 Jun, 1987 2103 2274 2214 1835 2cz
Male hawksbill

7 May, 1997 2628 MS2814 Block 106 BF 106 1.23r
Commemorates 100th year of Brazil's claim
to Ihla de Trinidade

22 May, 1998 2674a 2903 2826 2400 31
"A Patrimony for the Future"

5 Mar, 1999 2706d 3005 2928 2498 31
Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago

16 May, 2000 2742 3092 3028 2582 40r
Map of Brazil

27 Sep, 2006 2994 3458 2957 2.50r

1 Jun, 2012 3218x MS3718(x) 4019 3222 1r
Stylized sea turtle; sheet
commemorates UN Council on Sustainable
Development held in Rio, June 2012

8 Nov, 1990 109 109 109 109 24p
Coat of Arms

2 Sep, 1996 181 185 188 181 20p

2 Sep, 1996 182 186 189 182 24p

2 Sep, 1996 183 187 190 183 30p

2 Sep, 1996 184 188 191 184 56p
Green turtle

6 Feb, 2002 243 MS265 Block 18 BF 17 --
Sea turtles in Coat of Arms

3 Oct, 2002 254 MS1 304,
Block 21
BF 19 --
Sea turtle in "Friends of Chagos"
logo in S/S border

14 Feb, 2005 290 312 356 305 26p
Green turtle hatchling

14 Feb, 2005 291 313 357 306 26p
Hawksbill hatchlings

14 Feb, 2005 292 314 358 307 34p

14 Feb, 2005 293 315 359 308 34p
Green turtle

14 Feb, 2005 294 316 360 309 76p

14 Feb, 2005 295 317 361 310 1.10
Green turtle

14 Feb, 2005 296 MS318 Block 23 BF 22 1.70
"Turtle Cove Clean-up 2004"
(Same stamp as #295 with
higher denomination)

8 Nov, 2005 316h MS347 399 344 34p
Panorama commemorating 40th
Anniversary of B.I.O.T.

23 Jul, 2007 331 362 435 378 54p
Commemorates death of Darwin

23 Jul, 2007 334 365 438 381 90p
Commemorates death of Darwin

30 Jan, 2008 341 MS372 (445-50) (388-93) --
Green turtle in sheet border

5 Oct, 2009 393 424 502 440 2.64
Hawksbill Turtle - Eretmochelys imbricata

5 Oct, 2009 394a MS426 492-503 --
#393 in MS

9 Jun, 2014 451a & b 485 & 6 562-3,
Block 38
Coat of Arms as se-tenant pair

9 Jun, 2014 452 MS 487 Block 38 2
Coat of Arms stamp in SS

15 Nov, 2016 462 502 579 60p
Green turtle hatchling

15 Nov, 2016 463 503 580 60p
Hawksbill hatchling

15 Nov, 2016 464 504 581 £1
Green turtle

15 Nov, 2016 465 505 582 £1
Hawksbill turtle

15 Nov, 2016 466 506 583 £3
Green turtle

15 Nov, 2016 467 507 584 £5
Hawksbill turtle

15 Nov, 2016 467a MS 508 Block 39 BF 42 £5
#467 in SS extending into sheet border; 2 sea turtles in Coat of Arms in sheet border

17 Jul, 2017 480 MS 521 Block 40 BF 43 --
2 sea turtles in Coat of Arms in Corals MS border

20 Nov, 2017 (481-4) (522-5) (601-4) (520-3) --
BIOT Coat of Arms in border of 4 sheets
commemorating the 70th Anniversary of
Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip

4 Sep, 2018 493 537 621 540 £2
Children's Stamp Competition -
by Kyle Irvine, age 6

4 Sep, 2018 495 539 623 542 £2
Children's Stamp Competition -
by Laura Gilbert, age 12

4 Sep, 2018 496 540 624 543 £2
Children's Stamp Competition -
by Ailis Law, age 14

8 Dec, 2020 521 MS565 649-54 BF 44 --
2 sea turtles in Coat of Arms in
Butterflyfish MS border

22 Feb, 2021 522 MS566 655-60 BF 45 --
2 sea turtles in Coat of Arms in
Sea Slugs MS border

8 Jun, 2021 523 MS567 661-6 BF 46 --
2 sea turtles in Coat of Arms in
Angelfish MS border

16 Nov, 2000 563a 648 595 581 30s
Green turtle

16 Nov, 2000 563b 649 596 582 30s

16 Nov, 2000 563c 650 597 583 30s
Olive ridley

31 Aug, 2012 1135 -- 2594 BF 238 7500f
"Mer du plastique du Pacifique Nord" -
SS including sea turtle entangled in
debris in border

21 Dec, 2012 1211 -- Block 282 -- --
Sheet "Les Tortues de Mer" with 3 sea turtle
stamps, and 1 non-marine turtle incorrectly
identified as C. caretta
21 Dec, 2012 1211a -- 2788 1790 1180f Dermochelys coriacea
21 Dec, 2012 1211c -- 2790 1793 3,000f Juvenile Natator depressus
21 Dec, 2012 1211d -- 2791 1793 3,000f C. mydas incorrectly ID'd as E. imbricata

21 Dec, 2012 1236 -- 2792 BF 287 7500f
Caretta caretta in SS "Les Tortues
de Mer" - tortoise in border incorrectly
identified as C. mydas

20 Aug, 2013 1395 -- -- -- --
20 Aug, 2013 1395c -- 3280 2116 3000f Eretmochelys imbricata
20 Aug, 2013 1395d -- 3281 2117 3000f Chelonia mydas

15 Jan, 2022 -- -- BF468 --
Green turtle in border of SS "Les tortues"

15 Jan, 2022 -- -- 2606 1500f
Chelonia mydas (green turtle)

15 Jan, 2022 -- -- BF470 1500f
2 copies of C. mydas stamp in SS

9 Nov, 2023 -- -- 5000F
E. imbricata and C. mydas in "Les tortues" sheet;
reissue of Scott 1365 sheet from 20 Aug, 2013

BURUNDI: Counterfeit Stamp

6 Jun, 1983 14 16 16 12 10

8 Nov, 1998 1766 1809 1869 1557 500r
Int'l Year of the Ocean, C. mydas

8 Nov, 1998 1768 1811 1871 1559 1,000r
Int'l Year of the Ocean, E. imbricata

8 Nov, 1998 1770 1813 1873 1561 4,000r
Int'l Year of the Ocean, D. coriacea

1 Oct, 2007 2229 MS2515 2436,
Block 97
BF 97 52
Leatherback in S/S; also on label

1 Oct, 2007 2229d 2514 2427 2314 --

1 Oct, 2007 2233 SB362 2436,
Block 98
C2307 52
Booklet pane

17 May, 1990 569 645 580 565 50
Green turtle

17 May, 1990 570 646 581 566 1.00

17 May, 1990 571 647 582 567 5.00
Olive ridley

17 May, 1990 572 648 583 568 10.00

17 May, 1990 573 649 584 569 42.00

23 Apr, 1991 594 670 605 589 10e
Turtle being slaughtered on beach

9 Sep, 2002 783 879 809 781 $10
Mating loggerheads

9 Sep, 2002 784 880 810 782 $20
Loggerhead laying eggs

9 Sep, 2002 785 881 811 783 $30
Loggerhead hatchlings

9 Sep, 2002 786 882 812 784 $60
Loggerhead hatchlings

9 Sep, 2002 787 883 813 785 $100

9 Sep, 2002 788 MS884 814,
Block 36
BF 32 $100

13 Jun, 2019 1022 1125 1052 $40
Kretxeu - mascot for the
2019 African Beach Games

13 Jun, 2019 1023 1126 1053 $60
Kretxeu - mascot for the
2019 African Beach Games

13 Jun, 2019 1024 MS 1127 Block 49 $150
Kretxeu in SS border - mascot for the 2019
African Beach Games on Sal Island, a large
sea turtle nesting site in the islands

15 Jan, 2016 54 17 19 88
St. Eustatius National Marine Park -
Hawksbill turtle

31 Jul, 2017 85 36 64 .99
Bonaire - Green turtle overlaps onto
another stamp in sheet

31 Jul, 2017 86 34 38 .99
Saba - Green turtle overlaps onto 3 other
stamps, also onto selvedge

1 Jul, 2020 122b 140 144 75
Bonaire - Green turtle

1 Jul, 2020 123e 98 102 75
Saba - Leatherback

1 Jul, 2020 124d 114 118 75
St. Eustatius - Hawksbill

1 Mar, 2022 209 €1,50
Bonaire - Chelonia mydas (green turtle)
from "The Fauna of Bonaire" set

1 Mar, 2022 161 164 €1,50
Saba - Eretmochelys imbricata (hawksbill turtle)
from "The Fauna of Saba" set

1 Mar, 2022 181 €1,50
St. Eustatius - Dermochelys coriacea
(leatherback turtle) from "The Fauna of
St. Eustatius" set

2 May, 2022 237 $1.50c
Bonaire - cartoon green turtle, overlaps
into sheet selvedge

5 Dec, 1932 69 84 70 73 1/4p
Stylized green and hawksbill turtles at the bottom,
bracketing the denomination. The stamps in this
set of 12 are the oldest known postage stamps
to feature a sea turtle

5 Dec, 1932 70 85 71 74 1/2p

5 Dec, 1932 71 86 72 75 1p

5 Dec, 1932 72 87 73 76 1 1/2p

5 Dec, 1932 73 88 74 77 2p

5 Dec, 1932 74 89 75 78 2 1/2p

5 Dec, 1932 75 90 76 79 3p

5 Dec, 1932 76 91 77 80 6p

5 Dec, 1932 77 92 78 81 1sh

5 Dec, 1932 78 93 79 82 2sh

5 Dec, 1932 79 94 80 83 5sh

5 Dec, 1932 80 95 81 84 10sh

1 Jan, 1936 90 101 91 94 2 1/2p

1 Jan, 1936 92 103 93 96 6p

1 May, 1936 95 106 96 99 5sh

5 May, 1938 104a 119 105A 108 2p
perf. 11.5 x 13

5 May, 1938 107a 122 110A 111 6p
perf. 11.5 x 13

5 May, 1938 111 126 114A 115 10sh
perf. 12.5

16 Jul, 1943 104 119a 105C 108a 2p
perf. 12.5

16 Jul, 1943 107 122a 110C 111b 6p
perf 12.5

16 Jul, 1943 111a 126a 114C 115c 10sh
perf 14

8 Jul, 1947 122b 110B 124 6p
perf 11.5 x 13

2 Oct, 1950 124 137 125 128 1p
Green turtle & 3 carapaces

2 Oct, 1950 131 144 132 135 1sh
Turtle kraals (misspelled "crawl" on the stamp)
were used all over the Cayman Islands in past
generations to store captured sea turtles for

7 Jul, 1954 137 150 138 142 1p
Green turtle & 3 carapaces

21 Feb, 1955 145 158 146 150 1sh
Turtle kraal (see description for #131)

6 Jan, 1959 149 161a 150 154 1
Sea turtle carapace above word "Islands"

4 Jul, 1959 151 163 152 155 2 1/2p
Coat of Arms

4 Jul, 1959 152 164 153 156 1sh
Coat of Arms

28 Nov, 1962 159 171 160 163 4p
Green turtle

28 Nov, 1962 166 178 167 170 10sh
Coat of Arms

1 Dec, 1967 194 206 195 198 6p

5 May, 1969 223 235 224 227 10sh
Coat of Arms

8 Sep, 1969 240 251 239 242 $1 on 10sh
Coat of Arms; #240 overprinted with
new $1 denomination, and words
"C-DAY 8th September 1969"

8 Sep, 1970 275 286 274 277 $1
Coat of Arms

28 Jan, 1971 284 295 283 286 7
Green turtle

28 Jan, 1971 285 296 284 287 12

28 Jan, 1971 286 297 285 288 20
Small turtles in tanks

10 Jan, 1972 297 309 296 299 2
Undersea telecommunications cable

10 Jan, 1972 298 310 297 300 10

10 Jan, 1972 299 311 298 301 40

15 Aug, 1972 303a MS316 Block 2 BF 2 --
Coat of Arms in SS border

20 Nov, 1972 304 317 303 306 12

20 Nov, 1972 305 318 304 307 30
20 Nov, 1972 318a 304 307 30 Looks like #305; blue color omitted

15 Jan, 1973 308 321 307 310 15
Sea turtle is on coin

15 Jan, 1973 309a MS323 Block 3 BF3 15
#308 in SS

8 Jan, 1974 335 350 334 337 6

1 Aug, 1974 344 358 342 345 $1
w/w 314
19 Oct, 1976 344a 418 400I 388a $1 Looks identical to #344 with w/w 373

5 Feb, 1979 423 480 421 424 15
Coat of Arms on aircraft tail

5 Feb, 1979 425 482 423 426 30
Coat of Arms on aircraft tail

15 Aug, 1979 428 491 432 435 20
Cayman #149 on stamp

30 Jul, 1980 347c 451 468 $1 Coat of Arms, similar to #344 &
344a, but slightly smaller, and
with different watermark

9 Dec, 1980 461 524a 465 XA I 468 $2
Coat of Arms

14 Jun, 1982 461a 524b 465 XA I 496k $2
Coat of Arms, "1982" printed at bottom

9 Nov, 1982 498 561 502 505 3
Coat of Arms

9 Nov, 1982 500 563 504 507 20
Coat of Arms

15 Feb, 1983 509a MS573 Block 14 BF16 --
Coat of Arms in SS border

14 Mar, 1983 511 575 515 518 15
Coat of Arms on flag

12 Nov, 1991 643 732 657 643 80
Coat of Arms

30 Sep, 1993 666a 755 680A 708 15
Green turtle

30 Sep, 1993 667f 764 689A 717 30c
Sir Turtle, who represents a sea turtle as a
symbol of the Caymans, has replaced the Coat
of Arms on the tail of a Cayman Airways jetliner

22 Feb, 1994 677 774 702 726 5
Coat of Arms on flag

28 Feb, 1995 693 793 721 754 10
Green turtle hatchlings

28 Feb, 1995 694 794 722 755 20
Kemp's ridley

28 Feb, 1995 695 795 723 756 25

28 Feb, 1995 696 796 724 757 30

28 Feb, 1995 697 797 725 758 $1.30

28 Feb, 1995 698 798 726 759 $2.00
Pacific (olive) ridley

28 Feb, 1995 698a MS799 Block 20 BF19 --

26 Sep, 1996 723 825 757 772 20
"Sir Turtle" on tail of jetliner

26 Sep, 1996 724 826 758 773 25
Coat of Arms on wall

26 Sep, 1996 727 829 761 776 60
Cayman Turtle Farm

26 Sep, 1996 730 832 764 779 $1
Coat of Arms on flag

26 Sep, 1996 732 834 766 781 $4
Coat of Arms

5 Feb, 1999 Noted 875 -- -- 20 Reissue of Scott 723 with tiny
"1999" at bottom instead of "1996"
5 Feb, 1999 Noted 877 -- -- 60 Reissue of Scott 727 with tiny
"1999" at bottom instead of "1996"
imprinted on stamp

2 Jun, 1999 774 879 814 823 $2
Child's artwork

25 Aug, 2000 802 932 863 860 10
Stamp shows a hawksbill turtle, not a green

22 Jan, 2002 843 974 904 906 $1
Coat of Arms on flag

6 Feb, 2002 848 MS979 Block 36 BF34 --
Coat of Arms in SS border

9 Mar, 2002 852 983 917 908 30
"Snoopy" & airplane with "Sir Turtle"
visible on tail of the aircraft

9 Mar, 2002 854a MS986 Block 37 BF 35 --
Valise-shaped SS containing #852;
"Sir Turtle" also on "baggage tag" on
valise handle

8 Nov, 2002 870 1003 936 925 30
"Sir Turtle" visible on tail of
Cayman Airways jet

24 Jul, 2003 885 1019 953 940 15
Hatchlings emerging from eggs

24 Jul, 2003 887 1021 962 969 20
Sea turtle and Columbus's ship

24 Jul, 2003 896a MS1031 -- BF 39 --
Cayman Quincentennial; Coat of Arms

18 Jul, 2006 962 1098 1033 1029 25

18 Jul, 2006 967 MS1103 1038,
Block 46
BF 45 25
#962 in Underwater
Treasures S/S (without white
border around stamp)

18 Jul, 2006 968a 1104,
1043 1034 25
Smaller copy of #962 in booklet

5 Feb, 2008 1010a 1149 1089 1061 20
Sea turtle silhouettes in "Hello" stamp
of 6-stamps "Greetings" sheet

5 Feb, 2008 1011a 1155 1095 1067 25

5 Feb, 2008 1012a 1161 1101 1073 50

5 Feb, 2008 1013a 1167 1107 1079 75

5 Feb, 2008 1014a 1173 1113 1085 80

5 Feb, 2008 1015a 1179 1119 1091 $1

5 Feb, 2008 1016a SB18 1125 C1097 25
Smaller sized, self-adhesive "Hello"
stamp in booklet

23 Sep, 2009 1053a MS1229 1166-8,
Block 52
BF 51 --
Sea turtle in Coat of Arms in border of
SS "Equality Through Democracy"

31 Aug, 2011 1075 1251 1190 1155 20
"Catboats - Catching turtles" - turtle
fishermen hauling a turtle onto boat

9 Oct, 2012 1107 1285 1224,
Block 54
1189 50
Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas)

17 Aug, 2018 1205-8 1384-7 1324-7 1286-9 Var.
Set of 4 stamps commemorate the 50th
Anniversary of Cayman Airways. A tiny
'Sir Turtle' is visible on the fuselage of
each aircraft

19 Oct, 2018 1211 1390 1330 1291 $2
Sea turtle in Cayman Coat of Arms

19 Oct, 2018 1211a MS 1391 Block 58 BF 57 $2
Sea turtle in Cayman Coat of Arms on flag in SS,
on stamp and in border

15 Nov, 2019 1219 1399 1388 1299 80c
Christmas stamp, 2019

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