Country/Date Scott Gibbons Michel Yvert Denom. Comments / Description

20 Dec, 1996 1568c 2571 2409 2080 100d
Stylized hawksbill turtle

9 Oct, 2014 1425 MS 1998 1920 12.00p
Magic dot pattern on carapace

9 Oct, 2020 1614c 2423 2353 2053 4.50p
Hawksbill turtle surrounded by trash
in Animal Protection set

9 Oct, 2020 1615 MS 2425 Block 305 BF 320 14p
Stylized sea turtle in border of
Animal Protection SS

MADAGASCAR, Republic of
25 Oct, 2001 1554a-f 2520-25A 1825-30B 250 fmg
Leatherback (Tortue luth) on stamp 'b',
Loggerhead (Caouanne) on stamp 'd',
Kemp's ridley (Tortue b tarde) on stamp 'f'

25 Oct, 2001 1557e 2530A 1826L 1500 fmg
Hawksbill (Tortue caret)

9 Oct, 2014 1637 1432 2677 1917 1500 Ar
Joint issue with 6 SW Indian Ocean island nations:
Comoros, France (R union), Madagascar,
Mauritius, Seychelles & the French Southern
and Antarctic Territories (TAAF)

MADAGASCAR: Counterfeit Stamps


MALAWI: Counterfeit Stamps

31 Jan, 1972 95a 95 94 97 30
Tiny leatherback and her eggs

4 Jan, 1979 179 194 193Y 194 $1
5 Oct, 1983 179a 276 193X 194a $1 Like #179, without watermark

14 Apr, 1986 324a-c 335-7 321-3 334-6 20
Cartoon sea turtle in logo

14 Apr, 1986 325a-c 338-40 323-5 336-8 20
Cartoon sea turtle in logo

11 Jan, 1990 415 434 420 439 $1

17 Nov, 1990 431 450 436 455 15

17 Nov, 1990 432 451 437 456 20
Green turtle

17 Nov, 1990 433 452 438 457 40

17 Nov, 1990 434 453 439 458 $1
Olive ridley

1 Jan, 1994 497 522 508 522 50
Green turtle

8 Nov 1994 527C Noted 542 549 50
Scott #497 overprinted with ASEANPEX '94 logo

26 Sep, 1995 562 578 571 578 30
Green turtle

26 Sep, 1995 563 577 572 577 30

26 Sep, 1995 563a 30
Booklet with 5 copies @ of #s 562 & 563

23 Aug, 1997 641 MS659 659,
Block 16
BF 18 2Rm
C. mydas, Int'l Year of the Reef '97

18 Dec, 1999 754 826 832 748 30s
#434 on stamp; 125 Years of UPU

7 Aug, 2000 795f MS918 920-924 (832-6) --
Front half of a sea turtle in lower right border
(above orangutan)

7 Aug, 2000 799 MS918d Block 46 BF 42 --
Part of a sea turtle in right border

28 Jun, 2003 (932a, b) (1149, 50) (1193, 4) (989-92) --
Green turtle in upper left of sheet border

19 Mar, 2007 1142b 1379 1438,
Block 115
1177 30sen
Hawksbill swimming above diver

15 Jul, 2010 1316 1680 1747 1418 70s
Green turtle entangled by rope,
from "Threatened Habitats" series

21 Mar, 2012 1388 MS1862 1934,
Block 152
BF 143 5r
Green turtle in SS

16 Jul, 2012 1412 -- 1980 BF 148 --
Green turtle on banknote SS;
leatherback & green turtles in border

16 Jul, 2012 1412c -- 1980,
Block 155
BF 148 --
Green turtle in SS border of banknote
on stamp

17 Nov, 2015 1571a 2108 2218 1801 70 sen
Plastron view of green turtle swimming over
reef in "Islands and Beaches" set

21 Nov, 2017 1720b 2273 2406 1941 60 sen
Green turtle in "Tourist Destinations in Malaysia"
set; also found in this beautiful sheet

5 Jun, 2018 1763 MS 2315 Block 246 BF 234 Rm 3
Green turtle in border of SS "Tourist
Destinations Sabah"

18 Jun, 2020 1854 2417 2548 2048 1.30Rm
Hawksbill turtle

18 Jun, 2020 1859 MS 2422 2553 BF 257 5 Rm
Hawksbill hatchling in die-cut SS

18 May, 2021 1871 (2459) (2593) (2084) - -
C. mydas in decorative border of sheet of
Pulau Lang Tengah Island stamps

9 Sep, 2022 -- -- 60 sen
Malaysia's first stamp set issued as a Non-Fungible
Token; 14 artists participated, and the sea turtle is
on the stamp representing the state of Terengganu

2 Nov, 2022 (1915) (2509) (2644) (2123) --
Swimming hawksbill turtle in upper border
of Sustainable Development sheet;
not on actual stamps

MALDIVES, Republic of
17 Feb, 1980 841 853 863 798 1L

17 Feb, 1980 842 854 864 799 2L
C. depressa = Natator depressus;
incorrect number of scutes

17 Feb, 1980 843 855 865 800 5L

17 Feb, 1980 844 856 866 801 10L
Juvenile loggerhead

17 Feb, 1980 845 857 867 802 75L
Olive ridley; incorrect number
of scutes

17 Feb, 1980 846 858 868 803 10r
Juvenile Kemp's ridley;
incorrect number of scutes

17 Feb, 1980 847 MS859 Block 63 BF61 4r
Green turtle

29 Dec, 1980 897 909 919 844 90L

21 Sep, 1984 1030 1053 1062 967 Rf10
Unidentified sea turtle

22 Sep, 1986 1192 1190 1205 1101 10r

23 Mar, 1992 1667a MS1637 1699 BF 227 Rf20
Hawksbill in lower border of SS

7 Jan, 1993 1810 1760 1858 1559 Rf8
Green turtle

22 Aug, 1995 2092a-d 2297-300 2420-23 2058-61 10Rf ea.
Hawksbill turtles

22 Aug, 1995 2093a-h 2289-96 2425-31,
Block 340
2048-57 3 Rf
Loggerhead on stamp 'c', olive ridley on stamp 'd',
leatherback on stamp 'e', green turtle on stamp 'f',
Atlantic (Kemp's) ridley on stamp 'g' & hawksbill
on stamp 'g'

22 Aug, 1995 2094 MS2301 2432,
Block 340
BF 332 25 Rf
Green turtle in SS

1996 ? 2196Ab -- -- -- Rf1
Hawksbill in local stamp

1996 ? 2196Ac -- -- -- Rf7
Hawksbill plastron in local stamp

1996 ? 2196Ad -- -- -- Rf8
2 hawksbills in local stamp

26 Oct, 1999 2387 3022 3296 2808 Rf 10
Olive ridley

26 Oct, 1999 2388g 3017 3308 2815 Rf 5

26 Oct, 1999 2389b 3003 3307 2810 Rf 5
Green turtle

15 Nov, 2000 2483c 3347 3567 3082BN 5Rf
Green turtle

27 Jan, 2003 2684 3835 4092,
Block 534
3403 Rf7
Sea turtle in Popeye "Summer Sports" S/S

15 Dec, 2004 2848d MS3979a 4440,
Block 587
3677 Rf10
Prehistoric archelon

24 Jan, 2006 2872 (4014-17) (4500-03) (3720-3) --
Artwork entitled "Sea Turtle", by Tyler Overton,
age 10, in border of S/S "Kids-Did-It! Designs"

22 Jun, 2010 3005a-d MS 4523 4821-4,
Block 631
4003-6 15rf
L. olivacea in stamp 'a' & C. mydas in stamp 'd'

22 Jun, 2010 3006b MS 4524 4826,
Block 631
BF 602 15rf
C. caretta

28 Dec, 2012 3020e 4841 4203 RF 40
Green turtle; commemorates 40 years
of China-Maldives diplomatic relations

2013? 15r
Hawksbill turtle; probably a local stamp

30 Sep, 2013 3032a-d -- 4873-6 4043-6 Rf 22
C. caretta on stamp 'a', D. coriacea on stamp 'b',
E. imbricata on stamp 'c' & C. mydas on stamp 'd'

30 Sep, 2013 3041 -- 4877 BF 611 Rf 70
Dermochelys coriacea on stamp and
N. depressus & E. imbricata in border

25 Oct, 2013 3043b -- 4904 4112 Rf 20
Chelonia mydas

25 Oct, 2013 3053 -- Block 646 BF 628 Rf 60
Lepidochelys olivacea in border

1 Apr, 2014 3146d -- 5186 4320 Rf 20
Dermochelys coriacea

1 Apr, 2014 3156 -- 5187,
Block 702
BF 679 Rf 60
Juvenile Caretta caretta

14 Oct, 2014 3243b -- 5416 4506 Rf 20
Chelonia mydas in stamp "b"

14 Oct, 2014 3243d -- 5418 4508 Rf 20
Eretmochelys imbricata in stamp "d";
incorrectly identified as Chelonia mydas

14 Oct, 2014 3253 -- Block 746 BF 724 Rf 60
Chelonia mydas

29 Jan, 2015 3328 -- 5619-22 4693-96 22r
Green, hawksbill & olive ridley on stamps;
2 sea turtles & 2 sea turtle drawings in SS border

28 Jan, 2015 3338 -- Block 786 BF 770 70r
2 green turtles & 2 sea turtle drawings in SS border

1 Feb, 2015 3360 4269 5689 5088 15r
Small stylized turtle on resort stamp

1 Jul, 2015 3428 -- 5865 4861 20r
Green turtle on stamp in sheet commemorating
Cousteau's 100th year

10 Aug, 2015 3460a-d -- 5911-14 4893-96 22r
L. kempii (& hatchling), L. olivacea, C. caretta &
C. mydas (& hatchling) stamps, and
C. mydas in sheet border

10 Aug, 2015 3470 -- Block 843 BF 821 70r
E. imbricata on stamp; C. mydas, E. imbricata,
L. kempii and N. depressus in SS border

2 Dec, 2015 3511 -- 6051-4 --
Small sea turtle in SS border, partly covered
by manta ray stamp; commemorates 3 years
of Baa Atoll's designation as a UNESCO
Biosphere Reserve site

23 May, 2016 3620 -- 6344,
Block 939
BF 897 70r
E. imbricata on stamp; C. caretta and C. mydas
in SS border

13 Jun, 2016 3659 -- 6355 5226 10r
Hawksbill; personalized stamp

13 Jun, 2016 3659a -- Block 942 BF 910 10r
Personalized Lhaviyani Atoll SS

20 Jul, 2016 3701 -- 6433,
Block 957
BF 948 -
C. caretta in SS border

17 Oct, 2016 3767e -- 6629 5561AD 5r
Green turtle from "Beautiful Underwater
of Maldives" set

17 Nov, 2016 3781 -- 6643-46 5476-79 22r
D. coriacea & C. caretta on stamps in "Fish &
Sealife of the Maldives - Turtles" sheet

17 May, 2017 3887b -- 5783 7004 22r
Sea turtle ancestor Archelon in stamp 'b'

26 Sep, 2017 4001b -- 7234 5943 20r
E. imbricata in stamp 'b'

26 Sep, 2017 4010 -- Block 1112 BF 1097 --
C. mydas and D. coriacea in SS border

10 May, 2018 4078a -- 7408 6118 20r
C. mydas in stamp 'a'

10 May, 2018 4094 -- 7432,
Block 1151
BF 1131 60r
C. mydas misidentified as E. imbricata
in Endangered Species SS

25 May, 2018 4137 -- E7552 15r
E. imbricata in local stamp

10 Jun, 2018 -- 7639 6315 22r
C. mydas in stamp 'b'

15 Aug, 2018 -- 7858-61 3482-85 22r
E. imbricata, L. olivacea, N. depressus and
D. coriacea in 'Turtles' sheet

15 Aug, 2018 -- 7862,
Block 1237
1232 70r
C. mydas in SS with E. imbricata and
another C. mydas in border

12 Apr, 2020 -- 8970 7314 20r
2 archelon (and a scuba diver silhouette!)
on stamp in "Prehistoric Water Animals" sheet

19 Jul, 2020 -- 9014,
Block 1460
BF 1441 70r
Green turtle in SS border

19 Jul, 2020 -- 8999,
Block 1457
1444 60r
Hawksbill on stamp and in SS border

11 Oct, 2021 7601 MVR 20
Chelonia mydas (Green turtle) in a stamp sheet
GLOBAL TOURISTS" printed in selvedge

31 Jul, 2023 100f
Green turtle - "Campaign Against Plastic Pollution in
the Sea" - issued for World Environment Day 2023

31 Jul, 2023 --
Sheet of 5 copies of 2 stamps issued for
World Environment Day 2023

31 Jul, 2023 100f
Green turtle on one of 2 stamps in SS issued
for World Environment Day 2023

MALI: Counterfeit Stamps

10 Oct, 1979 564 631 600 589 5

21 Apr, 2004 1159p 1370 1340 1308 16
C. mydas

3 May, 1990 377-80 323-6 298-301 164-7 25
Green turtles & hatchlings on stamps 'a' & 'b',
and hawksbills & hatchlings on 'c' & 'd'

20 Mar, 1995 590c 598 572 555 55
Green turtle in se-tenant set

25 Aug, 1995 596b 628 619 605 32
The Legend of Lijebake

21 Oct, 1996 614c MS743 748 BF 27 32
#590c, reissued in 32 denomination;
imprinted "The 10th Asian International
Philatelic Exhibition 1996"

24 Aug, 2000 751a 1394 1394 1339 33
Green turtle

25 Jun, 2002 805a-d 1624-7 1629-32 1567-70 37
Loggerhead in 'a', leatherback in 'b',
hawksbill in 'c' & green turtle in 'd'

29 Jan, 2003 816b 1685 1691 1627 50
The Legend of Lijebake, reissued
in 50 denomination

1 Oct, 2004 843h MS1836 1861 1792 37
Hawksbill, from an original painting
by Chris Calle

19 Aug, 2008 928d 2231 2340 2259 42
Green turtle, from an original painting
by Chuck Ripper

22 Feb, 2011 982 2595 2710 2626 1
Green Turtle

22 Feb, 2011 983 2596 2711 2627 2

22 Feb, 2011 984 2597 2712 2628 5

22 Feb, 2011 985 2598 2713 2629 $10

22 Jan, 2012 1017 2756 2885 2803 45
Swimming sea turtle in
"Ocean Life" stamp

13 Apr, 2015 1113b 3342 3487 3393 .49
Loggerhead turtle

3 Mar, 2016 1133e 3468 3593 3515e .49
Leatherback; from original oil painting
by Basil Smith

3 Mar, 2016 1133g 3466 3595 3515g .49
Hawksbill; from original oil painting
by Basil Smith

1 Jan, 2018 1171 3801 3908 3848 50
Green turtle from Sea Life set

16 Oct, 2020 1274 4233-37 4088-91A --
Green turtle in decorative selvedge of
sheet of 5 geese stamps

30 Nov, 2020 1295a-d 4295-8 4122-25 $2
4 watercolor paintings of green turtles in MS

30 Nov, 2020 1296a & b Block 107 BF 125 $3
2 watercolor paintings of green turtles,
with another in SS border

30 Nov, 2020 1297a 4290 4118 $2

14 Jun, 2022 1378 4292-95 --
Sea turtle silhouette in border of Sharks
stamp sheet

14 Jun, 2022 1382 Block 144 BF 162 --
1 stylized sea turtle, and front part of another,
in border of Corals SS

21 Dec, 1981 509 716 741 501 1um

21 Dec, 1981 510 717 742 502 3um
Green turtle

21 Dec, 1981 511 718 743 503 4um

5 Nov, 2000 743a 1055 684 50um
Green turtle

5 Nov, 2000 -- -- -- -- 50um
#743a (with blue border) in
unlisted "Collector's" sheet

2009 809 1181 790 440 um
Green turtle

19 Apr, 1982 544 639 540 552 25
Sea turtle silhouette along left border

19 Apr, 1982 545 640 541 553 2r

19 Apr, 1982 546 641 542 554 2.50r

19 Apr, 1982 547 642 543 555 10r

13 Dec, 1991 743 859 734 769 40
Green turtle

9 Oct, 2014 1144 1272 1157 1185 Rs 14
Joint issue with 6 SW Indian Ocean island nations:
Comoros, France (R union), Madagascar,
Mauritius, Seychelles & the French Southern
and Antarctic Territories (TAAF)

2 Feb, 1998 93 60 43 52 3,00
Green turtle

6 Feb, 1999 119 86 62 69 3,00
Map of Mayotte

29 Apr, 2000 136 105 82 84 3,00
"Lagoon Life"; tiny stylized sea
turtle hatching from egg

18 Mar, 2006 223a-d MS221 185-7,
Block 9
184-6 0.53
"Protection des tortues" - Green turtles

20 Jan, 2007 230 226 194 194 0,54
Mayotte #93 in stamp-on-stamp
issued for the 10th anniversary
of Mayotte philately

10 Nov, 2007 240 235 207 206 0,54
Small sea turtle in surf

10 Nov, 2008 248 244 219 218 0.55e >
2 embroidered sea turtles on
wall in background

19 Sep, 2011 282 -- 260 259 0,60
Childlike drawing of sea turtle;
101st Dept. of France

MAYREAU (Grenadines of St. Vincent)
14 Oct, 2014 -- Noted 311 $3.25

3 Jul, 1982 1281 1638 1828 978 1p60
Hawksbill & map of México

7 Jul, 1998 2090a-y 2515-39 2713-37 1805-30 $2.30
There is a sea turtle on a stamp in each row of
this beautiful sheet; tortuga lora (Kemp's ridley)
on stamp 'e', tortuga golfina (olive ridley) on
stamp 'g', tortuga la d (leatherback) on stamp 'l',
caguama (loggerhead) on stamp 't' & tortuga
carey (hawksbill) on stamp 'w'

2 Feb, 2002 2260 2720 2968 1986 5.00
México Conserva; several sea turtle
species on stamp

2003 2260a 2720a 2968C -- 5.00
Reissue of #2260, perf. 13 x 13.25

1 Dec, 2004 2330 3074 -- 10.50
Reissue of #2260 in higher denomination;
perf. 13x13.25

Jul, 2005 2396 2717a 3153 -- 2.50
Reissue of #2260 in lower denomination;
perf. 13.5 x 13.25

Jul, 2005 2410 2736 3144 -- 2.50
Reissue of #2396; perf. 13.5 x 13.25

2005 2419 -- -- -- 6.50
Reissue of #2260 in higher denomination;
perf. 13 x 13.25

Sep, 2005 2435 2733b 3197 -- 30.50
Reissue of #2260 in higher denomination;
perf. 13 x 13.25

Aug, 2005 2473 -- 3184 -- None
Reissue of #2260 in booklet of non-
denominated stamps; perf. 13.5x13.25

15 Sep, 2005 2479 2905 3189 2115 13p
Issued for Japan Expo Aichi 2005
(turtle just above "EXPO")

Oct, 2005 2453 -- 3205 -- 0.50
Reissue of #2260 in lower denomination;
perf. 13 x 13.25

14 Mar, 1991 134 215 215 164 29

14 Mar, 1991 135 216 216 165 29
Green turtle

14 Mar, 1991 136 217 217 166 50

14 Mar, 1991 137 218 218 167 50

12 Jul, 1994 198c 387 373 308 29
#s 136 & 137 on stamp

24 May, 1999 347r 787 797 662 33
Prehistoric archelon (bottom row)

9 Aug, 2001 445b MS1161a 1179 1032 60
Olive ridley

9 Aug, 2001 446a MS1161b 1184 1063 60

1 Nov, 2004 624 MS1286g 1586 BF 145 $2
C. caretta with many hatchlings (green
turtles) in SS border

4 Sep, 2009 849 1556 2019 1745A 22
Hawksbill Turtle - Eretmochelys imbricata

4 Sep, 2009 850 1557 2020 1745B 88
Australian Flatback Turtle -
Natator depressus

4 Sep, 2009 851 1559 2021 1745C 95
Loggerhead Turtle - Caretta caretta

4 Sep, 2009 852 1559 2022 1745D $2.80
Green Sea Turtle - Chelonia mydas

4 Sep, 2009 853a-d MS1560 2023-6
Block 181
BF 177
"Turtles of the Pacific Ocean"
Kemp's ridley (which is not found in the Pacific),
Leatherback, Loggerhead & Olive ridley

4 Sep, 2009 854a & b MS1561 2027 & 8,
Block 181
BF 177A $1.56
"Turtles of the Pacific Ocean"
Green and hawksbill turtles in SS
& hawksbill turtle in SS border

14 Jul, 2011 939b MS 1642 2242 BF 194 $1.25
Green Sea Turtle, Chelonia mydas

27 Jun, 2012 980a-d MS 1685 2344-7,
Block 217
1950-3 $1.25
"Turtles of Micronesia"
Hawksbill, leatherback, green turtle
& olive ridley

27 Jun, 2012 981a & b MS 1686 2348 & 9
Block 217
BF 212 $1.25
"Turtles of the Pacific Ocean"
Loggerhead & flatback in SS

1 Apr, 2015 1149 2750 2206 5
Green turtle

1 Jul, 2015 2807 3173 3248 2990 0,76
Commemorates fifty-thousand visitors to
Monaco's Oceanographic Museum -
sea turtle in leftmost inset

1 Apr, 2016 2841a-d MS 3208 3297-300,
Block 118
BF 3031 Var.
4 loggerhead stamps in SS "The Life of a Caretta
caretta in the Mediterranean" from the
Oceanographic Museum of Monaco

7 Mar, 2018 2921 3290 3387 3129 1,20
Turtles in tank at Monaco's Care Centre
for Sea Turtles

15 Nov, 2022 3119 3498 3498 3613 2,32€
Commemorates 2022 Exploration of
submerged atoll Saya de Malha, an
"invisible island" in the western Indian Ocean

15 Jun, 1999 2378 MS2742 2969,
Block 300
BF259 --
Camel riding on sea turtle in SS border;
from Mongolian legend

1 Sep, 2001 2497a (MS2950b) 3342B 2570 100₮
Small sea turtle in border of Salpengotus
(jerboa) SS

1 Sep, 2001 2497b (MS2950b) 3343B 2574 200₮
Small sea turtle in border of Uncia uncia
(snow leopard) SS

1 Sep, 2001 2497c (MS2950b) 3344B 2578 300₮
Small sea turtle in border of Haliaeetus albicilla
(white-tailed eagle) SS

1 Sep, 2001 2497d (MS2950b) 3345B 2582 400₮
Small sea turtle in border of Pandion haliatus
(osprey) SS

1 Sep, 2001 2497e (MS2950b) 3346B 2585 450₮
Small sea turtle in border of Panciawus colchicus
(pheasant) SS

1 Sep, 2001 2498a (MS2950a) 3336B 2566 50₮
Small sea turtle in border of butterfly SS

1 Sep, 2001 2498b (MS2950a) 3337B 2568 100₮
Small sea turtle in border of bat SS

1 Sep, 2001 2498c (MS2950a) 3338B 2572 200₮
Small sea turtle in border of butterfly SS

1 Sep, 2001 2498d (MS2950a) 3339B 2576 300₮
Small sea turtle in border of mushrooms SS

1 Sep, 2001 2498e (MS2950a) 3340B 2580 400₮
Small sea turtle in border of dinosaur SS

1 Sep, 2001 2498f (MS2950a) 3341B 2583 450₮
Small sea turtle in border of puffin SS

20 Aug, 2001 2499a-i MS2951 3355A 2584 450₮
Scouting & Nature sheet
with stylized sea turtle on stamp 'c'

1 Sep, 2001 2499a (MS2951) 3349B 2571 150₮
Small sea turtle in border of seashell SS

1 Sep, 2001 2499b (MS2951) 3352B 2577 300₮
Small sea turtle in border of owl SS

1 Sep, 2001 2499c (MS2951) 3355B 2584 450₮
Stylized sea turtle in S/S with small sea turtle
also in border

1 Sep, 2001 2499d (MS2951) 3348B 2569 100₮
Small sea turtle in border of frog SS

1 Sep, 2001 2499e (MS2951) 3351B 2575 250₮
Small sea turtle in border of butterfly SS

1 Sep, 2001 2499f (MS2951) 3354B 2581 400₮
Small sea turtle in border of orchid SS

1 Sep, 2001 2499g (MS2951) 3347B 2567 50₮
Small sea turtle in border of penguins SS

1 Sep, 2001 2499h (MS2951) 3350B 2573 200₮

Small sea turtle in border of elephant SS
1 Sep, 2001 2499i (MS2951) 3353B 2581 350₮
Small sea turtle in border of whale SS

11 Jul, 2003 2546c MS3006a 3464,
Block 338
2670 300₮
Rock formation in shape of a sea turtle

2010 -- -- -- -- 500₮
Painting of "Green sea turtle"
in cinderella sheet

28 Nov, 2003 1083e MS1238 3464,
Block 98
1110 $1.50
C. mydas

9 Mar, 2007 1170 MS1351 Block 117 BF 114 --
Tiny sea turtle in Cayman Coat of Arms
on flag in S/S border

8 Aug, 2007 1191a-d MS 1368 1379-82,
Block 118
1250-53 $3.40
Hawksbill on stamp 'a', male green turtle
on stamp 'b', leatherback on stamp 'c'
& loggerhead on stamp 'd'

8 Aug, 2007 1192 MS 1369 1383 BF 115 $7
Kemp's ridley

3 Jul, 2008 1202d 1396 1417,
Block 124
1251 $2.25
Green turtle, C. mydas, incorrectly
identified as Hawksbill Turtle, E. imbricata

26 Jun, 2012 1293d MS 1509 1616,
Block 143
1452 $3
Green turtle on one stamp in
"Life in the Sea" SS

24 Mar, 2015 1359a-d MS 1563 957-60 1555-58 $3.25
4 leatherback stamps in small sheet;
sea turtle silhouette in upper border

24 Mar, 2015 1360 MS 1564 1761,
Block 167
BF 160 $7
Leatherback hatchling in SS

23 Sep, 2016 1386a-d MS 1582 1823-6 1604-7 $3.50
4 sea turtle stamps in MS;
hawksbill turtle in sheet border

23 Sep, 2016 1387 MS 1583 1827B180 BF 172 $7
Hawksbill on stamp and in SS border

3 Mar, 1981 735 860 800 792 5 MT

20 Aug, 1990 1131 1277 1214 1173 500 MT

16 Aug, 1994 1221 1377 1313 1271 500 MT
ID'd as Lepidachelys [sic] olivacea,
but picture taken from C. caretta
photo in a reptiles field guide

28 Apr, 2000 1354h MS1525h 1703,
Block 56
1428 3000 MT
Prehistoric archelon

28 Apr, 2000 1356 MS1526 1705,
Block 56
-- 20,000 MT
2 prehistoric archelon swimming in background
of S/S with stamp of Henodus, a prehistoric
placodont not related to turtles

8 Aug, 2001 1411e MS1571 1792,
Block 67
1522 9500 MT

10 Dec, 2007 1765a-f -- 2957-62,
Block 218
2480-5 Var.
R s sheet of 6 frog stamps;
each stamp has a tiny sea turtle
in map of Africa

10 Dec, 2007 1775a-f -- 2949-54,
Block 216
2474-9 20 MT
Peixes Venenosos sheet of 6 fish stamps;
each stamp has a tiny sea turtle
in map of Africa

10 Dec, 2007 1776a-f -- 2943-8 2390-5 20 MT
Crustacios sheet of 6 stamps;
each stamp has a tiny sea turtle
in map of Africa

10 Dec, 2007 1777a-f -- 2991-6,
Block 222
2426-31 20 MT
Lagartos sheet of 6 lizard stamps;
each stamp has a tiny sea turtle
in map of Africa

10 Dec, 2007 1778a-f -- 2977-82,
Block 220
2486-91 20 MT
Tartarugas sheet of 6 sea turtle stamps;
each stamp also has a tiny sea turtle
in map of Africa; N. depressus on stamp 'a',
E. imbricata on stamp 'b', L. olivacea on stamps
'c' & 'd', C. caretta on stamp 'e' & C. mydas
on stamp 'f'

10 Dec, 2007 1779a-f -- 2998-303,
Block 223
2372-7 20 MT
Cobras sheet of 6 cobra stamps;
each stamp has a tiny sea turtle
in map of Africa

10 Dec, 2007 1795 -- 2955 BF 172 132.00 MT
S/S with tiny sea turtle in map of Africa

10 Dec, 2007 1796 -- -- BF 160 132.00 MT
S/S with tiny sea turtle in map of Africa

10 Dec, 2007 1797 -- 3004 BF 157 132.00MT
S/S with tiny sea turtle in map of Africa

10 Dec, 2007 1798 -- 2997 BF 165 132.00 MT
S/S with tiny sea turtle in map of Africa

10 Dec, 2007 1800 -- 2983 BF 174 132.00 MT
S/S with hawksbill on stamp and
in S/S border

10 Dec, 2007 1801 -- 2963 BF 173 132.00 MT
S/S with tiny sea turtle in map of Africa

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 8 MT
#1765a in Deluxe SS; sea turtle in map
of Africa on stamp and in SS border

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 8 MT
#1765b in Deluxe SS; sea turtle in map
of Africa on stamp and in SS border

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 8 MT
#1765c in Deluxe SS; sea turtle in map
of Africa on stamp and in SS border

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 33 MT
#1765d in Deluxe SS; sea turtle in map
of Africa on stamp and in SS border

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 33 MT
#1765e in Deluxe SS; sea turtle in map
of Africa on stamp and in SS border

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 33 MT
#1765f in Deluxe SS; sea turtle in map
of Africa on stamp and in SS border

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 20 MT
#1775a in Deluxe SS; sea turtle in map
of Africa on stamp and in SS border

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 20 MT
#1775b in Deluxe SS; sea turtle in map
of Africa on stamp and in SS border

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 20 MT
#1775c in Deluxe SS; sea turtle in map
of Africa on stamp and in SS border

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 20 MT
#1775d in Deluxe SS; sea turtle in map
of Africa on stamp and in SS border

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 20 MT
#1775e in Deluxe SS; sea turtle in map
of Africa on stamp and in SS border

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 20 MT
#1775f in Deluxe SS; sea turtle in map
of Africa on stamp and in SS border

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 20 MT
#1778a in Deluxe SS; E. imbricata in SS
border, and sea turtle in map of Africa

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 20 MT
#1778b in Deluxe SS; L. olivacea in SS
border, and sea turtle in map of Africa

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 20 MT
#1778c in Deluxe SS; L. olivacea in SS
border, and sea turtle in map of Africa

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 20 MT
#1778d in Deluxe SS; C. caretta in SS
border, and sea turtle in map of Africa

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 20 MT
#1778e in Deluxe SS; C. mydas in SS
border, and sea turtle in map of Africa

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 20 MT
#1778f in Deluxe SS; N. depressus in SS
border, and sea turtle in map of Africa

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 20 MT
#1779a in Deluxe SS; sea turtle in map
of Africa on stamp and in SS border

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 20 MT
#1779b in Deluxe SS; sea turtle in map
of Africa on stamp and in SS border

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 20 MT
#1779c in Deluxe SS; sea turtle in map
of Africa on stamp and in SS border

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 20 MT
#1779d in Deluxe SS; sea turtle in map
of Africa on stamp and in SS border

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 20 MT
#1779e in Deluxe SS; sea turtle in map
of Africa on stamp and in SS border

10 Dec, 2007 -- -- -- -- 20 MT
#1779f in Deluxe SS; sea turtle in map
of Africa on stamp and in SS border

30 Nov, 2010 2152b 4106,
Block 379
3389 16.00 MT
Sea turtle hoisted in net for rescue;
2010 BP Oil Spill at Sea sheet

30 Aug, 2011 2369a-f -- 4847-52,
Block 495
4154-9 Var.
Sheet with 2 C. caretta on stamps 'a' & 'f',
2 C. mydas on stamp 'b', 2 D. coriacea on
stamp 'c', 2 E. imbricata on stamp 'd' &
L. olivacea on stamp 'e'

30 Aug, 2011 2399 -- 4853 BF 461 175 MT
SS with 2 hawksbill turtles on stamp,
and 4 Chelonia mydas in border

30 Apr, 2012 2635a-h -- 5664-71,
Block 618
4852-8 Var.
"Tartarugas Em Vias De Extin o";
C. caretta on stamp 'e', D. coriacea on stamp 'g' &
E. imbricata on stamp 'h'

30 Apr, 2012 2643 -- 5673 BF 579 175.00 MT
"Tartarugas Em Vias De Extin o" -
Chelonia mydas in SS

30 Oct, 2012 2734 -- Block 704 5047-52 --
Green turtle in border of "Living
Oceans & Coasts SS issued for
Korea Expo 2012

25 Jun, 2013 2943 -- 6671,
Block 773
BF 711 --
Chelonia mydas in border

Although the issues below were authorized by the postal administration of Mozambique, they were not placed on sale
in Mozambique, but only distributed to the new issue trade by Mozambique's philatelic agent

20 Aug, 2014 -- -- 7580-83 6287-90 46.00 MT
E. imbricata & C. mydas on stamps "a" & "d"

20 Aug, 2014 -- -- 7584,
Block 956
BF 898 175.00 MT
Green & loggerhead turtles in border

15 Oct, 2015 -- -- 8153,
Block 1070
BF 1011 175 MT
C. caretta in SS, with 2 other sea turtles in
border (misidentified as E. imbricata)

16 Jan, 2016 -- -- 8334-7 6878-81 66 MT
D. coriacea on stamp 'a', C. mydas on stamps
'b' & 'd', C. caretta on stamp 'c'

16 Jan, 2016 -- -- 8338,
Block 1107
BF 1046 175 MT
C. mydas on stamp and in border of SS

10 Feb, 2017 -- -- 9069-72 7502-5 100 MT
C. mydas on stamps 'a' & 'd' (misidentified
as L. olivacea on 'd')

10 Feb, 2017 -- -- Block 1254 BF 1202 --
E. imbricata & L. olivacea in SS border

15 Feb, 2018 -- -- 9224-7 7606-9 116 MT
L. kempii & C. caretta in stamps 'b' & 'c'

15 Aug, 2018 -- -- 9688 & 9 7939 & 40 116 MT
D. coriacea in stamp 'b' & C. mydas misidentified
as C. caretta in stamp 'c'

10 Nov, 2018 -- -- 9940 8141 116 MT
C. mydas in stamp 'd'

10 Apr, 2019 -- -- 8313 116 MT
Prehistoric Archelon in stamp 'c'

10 Apr, 2019 -- -- 8367-70 --
E. imbricata in MS border

10 Apr, 2019 -- -- BF 1419 300 MT
C. mydas in SS

15 Apr, 2020 -- -- BF 1523 --
2 C. mydas in SS border

15 Sep, 2020 -- -- 891 100 MT
C. mydas misidentified as E. imbricata in stamp 'b'

5 Apr, 2022 -- -- 9387-92 66 MT
Sea turtle misidentified as C. caretta; carapace drawing is not that of Cc either

MOZAMBIQUE: Counterfeit Stamps

MYANMAR (formerly Burma): Counterfeit Stamps

15 Feb, 2007 1108 1057 1217 1101 60

8 Feb, 2010 1186c 1136 1328 1196 *
Leatherback turtle; stamp
denominated "Postcard Rate"

29 Dec, 2021 1145a 10r
2 stylized turtles underwater, one with flippers;
Sustainable Development Goals, from Mithila art.
see original artwork here.

1996 -- -- -- -- Ecu .20
Select Mail issued by Stadpost Zaanstad; not a
leatherback as described

1996 -- -- -- -- Ecu .20

10 June, 2024 1
Experience Nature - Marine Life Bonaire. Green
turtles on stamps "D" and "J" extending into
selvedge. Value indication of 1 is for mail up to
and including 20 grams with a destination within
the Netherlands.

15 Nov, 1967 B82 296 184 375 10+5ct
From the Nanzi Stories

25 Oct, 1989 B270 MS992 667,
Block 34
BF 34 155c+75
Stylized sea turtle in SS border

4 Aug, 1994 730 1135 815 990 125
Stylized sea turtle

4 Aug, 1994 730a MS 1136 Block 41 BF 41 Var.
#730 in se-tenant set of 4, issued for
World Stamp Expo, Philakorea '94

10 Dec, 2004 1045 1657 1349 1484 100

10 Dec, 2004 1046 1658 1350 1485 145
Kemp's ridley

10 Dec, 2004 1047 1659 1351 1486 240
Green turtle

10 Dec, 2004 1048 1660 1352 1487 285
Olive ridley

10 Dec, 2004 1049 1661 1353 1488 380

10 Dec, 2004 1050 1662 1354 1489 500

26 Jan, 2007 1134i 1808 1525 1649 240

22 May, 2007 1155d 1841 1556 1749 335
Green turtle

22 Aug, 2007 1161b 1857 1572 1695 65
Sea turtle hatchlings

6 Jul, 1992 730 680 679 644 80
Green turtle (incorrect number of scutes)

1 Sep, 1995 934l 956 975 910 50

1 Sep, 1995 935 MS961 981 BF 105 $5
Hawksbill in SS border

26 Aug, 2002 1304 MS1739 1809,
Block 216
BF215 $5
Green turtle in SS border

10 Jan, 2005 1418 (1869-72) (2040-43) Noted --
Green turtle in MS border

10 Jan, 2005 1419 MS1873 2044,
Block 49
BF 251 $5
Hawksbill on stamp; green turtle in border

10 Jan, 2005 1426 1881 2036 1810 30
Leatherback turtle from child's painting
(incorrectly described as hawksbill);
Artist: Leon Silcott

10 Jan, 2005 1427 1882 2037 1811 90
Stylized hawksbill from child's
painting; Artist: Kris Liburd

10 Jan, 2005 1428 1883 2038 1812 $1.20
Leatherback turtle from child's painting
(incorrectly described as hawksbill);
Artist: Alice Webber

10 Jan, 2005 1429 1884 2039 1813 $5
Stylized sea turtle from child's painting
Artist: Jeuaunito Huggins

1 May, 2007 1496 MS1997 Block 268 BF 270 --
Tiny sea turtle in Cayman Coat of Arms
on flag in S/S border

14 Nov, 2011 1702 MS2284 Block 310 2314-17 --
Loggerhead turtle in SS border

24 Mar, 2015 1867a-f MS 2383 3063-68 2524A $3.15
6 stamps in Loggerhead Sea Turtles
sheet; hatchlings in sheet border

24 Mar, 2015 1868 MS 2384 3069 BF 657A $10
Loggerhead on stamp, with loggerhead
hatchling in sheet border

4 Dec, 2017 1933 MS 2428 3244 2686 $4
Green turtle from Inhabitants of
the Coral Reefs sheet

4 Dec, 2017 1935 MS 2429 Blk 398 BF386 $12
Green turtle on stamp & in border
of Inhabitants of the Coral Reefs SS

2 Nov, 2020 2009 Block 426 BF 414 --
Green turtle in border of starfish SS

21 Jan, 2021 2022a-d 2898-2901 $5.50
"Sea Turtles" MS with 4 watercolor
green turtle stamps

20 Jan, 2021 2023a, b BF 418 $8
"Turtles of the Sea" MS with 2 watercolor
green turtle stamps

20 May, 1978 437 599 611 420 30fr
Stylized sea turtle and globe

12 Jan, 1980 452 629 641 435 23fr
Stylized sea turtle and island map

23 Feb, 1993 669 958 953 636 120f
Stylized sea turtle

27 Apr, 2001 872 1231 1234-36 840-842 --
Turtle in margin of nautilus sheet

11 Oct, 2001 881 1240 1248 852 135 Rf
Sea turtle near underwater lab

15 May, 2002 899a-d MS1257a-d 1265-68,
Block 28
BF 27 Var.--
Green turtle-shaped S/S, with C. caretta on
stamp 'a', E. imbricata on stamp 'b', D. coriacea
on stamp 'c' & green turtle on stamp 'd'

24 Oct, 2003 899e MS1308 -- BF 30 --
SS #899 overprinted with "Coup de Monde 2003

10 Nov, 2004 954 1338 1349 935 505f
Stylized sea turtle

22 Nov, 2004 (955) (1339) (1351) (936) --
Cartoon turtle in border of Christmas sheet

20 Jul, 2005 964 MS1349 Block 37 BF 35 --
Stylized sea turtle in SS border

11 Sep, 2006 1000 1387 1403 986 190f
Stylized sea turtle; commemorates Conf rence
du PROE (South Pacific Regional Environment)

12 Dec, 2008 1062c MS1459 1486,
BF 39 75f
UNESCO - Lagoons of New Caledonia

14 May, 2009 1066 1466 1495 1065 180f
"The Turtle Carrier"
carving by Tien Thavouvace

3 Nov, 2010 1105 1526 1549 1117 110f
"Ann e de la Biodiversit "

3 Nov, 2010 (1106) (1527) (1550) (1118) --
Cartoon turtle in border of
sheet of Christmas stamps

5 Aug, 2011 1114 681a 1558 1129 75f
Green turtle

8 Mar, 2013 1150 1572 1605 1172 110f
Green turtle on beach in "Zones
des Recifs d'Entrecasteaux"

7 Jun, 2013 1153 1575 1609 1175 75f
Ti'Pwen is the mascot of PIROPS;
assumed to represent a sea turtle since
no terrestrial turtles found on island

8 Jun, 2013 1156d 1581 1614 C 1117 110f
Chelonia mydas in booklet
"Le Lagon Cal donien"

5 Jun, 2015 1194 1631 1670 1240 75f
Philately at School; sea turtle drawing

6 Nov, 2015 1203a-d MS 1647a-d 1682-5,
Block 53
F 1264 110f
Die-cut MS "Turtles in New Caledonia" with
E. imbricata in stamp 'a', C. caretta in stamp 'b',
C. mydas in stamp 'c' & D. coriacea in stamp 'd'
overlapping into sheet border; green turtle also
in border

19 Jun, 2016 1212 1655 1703 1273 110f
Green turtle in The Natural Park
of the Coral Sea stamp

17 Jul, 2017 (1231) (1674) (1727) (1303) -
Stylized sea turtle in lower left corner
of sheet border

14 Mar, 2019 1252 1778 1364 110f
My Lagoon, Our Heritage; stylized sea turtle
by T. Sallaberry & J. Bulteau

1 Sep, 2021 1278 1812 1409 None
Local non-denominated stamp showing both
sides of 3 new coins; sea turtle is on 20F coin

15 Sep, 2023 1300 460F
Stylized sea turtle on stamp commemorating
Jean Lèques, the country's first Governor

NEW HEBRIDES, British (now Vanuatu)
11 Feb, 1974 185 186 381 384 70
Green turtle

NEW HEBRIDES, French (now Vanuatu)
11 Feb, 1974 204 F201 385 380 70
Green turtle

1 Feb, 2001 1696 2386 1890 1818 40
Green turtles

1 Feb, 2001 1697 2387 1891 1819 80

1 Feb, 2001 1698 2388 1892 1820 90

1 Feb, 2001 1699 2389 1893 1821 $1.30

5 Jun, 2019 2868e 4085 3685 3494 --
Kupe The Great Navigator sheet;
sea turtle swimming beneath ship in stamp "e"

5 Jun, 2019 2868 MS 4089 3681-88 3490-97 $1.30
Sea turtle swimming beneath ship

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