Sea Turtle Postage Stamps
of the World

Country/Date Scott Gibbons Michel Yvert Denom. Comments / Description

ABKHAZIA: Counterfeit Stamps

AFGHANISTAN: Counterfeit Stamps

AITUTAKI (Cook Islands)
1 Dec, 1995 513 690 744 566 95
Green turtle

1 Dec, 1995 514 691 745 567 $1.15

1 Dec, 1995 515 692 746 568 $1.50
Olive ridley

1 Dec, 1995 516 693 747 569 $1.75

15 Jan, 2020 700 910 1077A 754 50¢
Olive ridley

15 Jan, 2020 701 911 1078A 755 $1.00
Olive ridley

15 Jan, 2020 702 912 1079A 756 $5.00
Olive ridley hatchling

15 Jan, 2020 703 913 1080A 757 $7.00
Green turtle misidentified as olive ridley

15 Jan, 2020 704 914 1081A 758 $10.00
Hawksbill turtle misidentified as loggerhead

15 Jan, 2020 705 915 1082A 759 $20.00
Loggerhead hatchling

15 Jan, 2020 706 916 1083A 760 $30.00
Green turtle misidentified as loggerhead

15 Jan, 2020 707 917 1084A 761 $34.70

15 Jan, 2020 708a-d -- Block 120A BF 124 --
#s 700-3 without white frames, in SS;
olive ridley in border

15 Jan, 2020 708e -- 1089-92A 758-61 --
MS with 2 copies each of stamps #s 704-7
without any white margins; green turtle in selvedge

15 Jan, 2020 709a-d -- Block 121A BF 125 --
#s 704-7 without white frames, in SS;
hawksbill turtle in border

15 Jan, 2020 709e -- 1085-88A 754-57 --
MS with 2 copies each of stamps #s 700-703
without any white margins; green turtle in selvedge

12 Sep, 2002 2695a MS2934a 894 2642 50L
Scute count incorrect for C. caretta

6 Nov, 2013 2943a 3419 3434 315 90l
Stylized loggerhead in logo of 2013
Mediterranean Games in Mersin, Turkey

6 Nov, 2013 2943b 3420 3435 316 150l

6 Nov, 2013 2944 MS 3421 3436 BF 146 200l

12 Nov, 2014 2958a 3446 3461 3136 80 leke
Caretta caretta, Loggerhead turtle

23 Dec, 1992 967 1114 1079 1030 2.70d

9 Jul, 1993 882 Noted 932-5 Noted --
Se-tenant stamps with C. mydas,
E. imbricata, D. coriacea & C. caretta
9 Jul, 1993 882a 1029 932 899 180 NKz
9 Jul, 1993 882b 1030 933 900 450 NKz
9 Jul, 1993 882c 1031 934 901 550 NKz
9 Jul, 1993 882d 1032 935 902 630 NKz

25 Mar, 1999 1064e 1426 1933 1261 300,000Kz
Kemp's ridley

7 Nov, 2007 1316 MS1759 Block 123 -- --
Tartarugas Marinhas sheet; date on stamp
may be 2007 or 2008
7 Nov, 2007 1316a -- 1794 1629 27 Kz Juvenile Caretta caretta
7 Nov, 2007 1316b -- 1795 1630 27 Kz Chelonia mydas
7 Nov, 2007 1316c -- 1796 1631 45 Kz Eretmochelys imbricata
7 Nov, 2007 1316d -- 1797 1632 45 Kz Lepidochelys olivacea

7 Nov, 2007 1317 MS1760 1798 BF 123 130 Kz
Dermochelys coriacea on stamp, with
D. coriacea, C. caretta and C. mydas
in S/S border

10 Dec, 2018 1507 -- 1934 1731 300kz
Chelonia mydas

10 Dec, 2018 1520 -- 1949 1732 300kz
C. caretta ID is questionable

10 Dec, 2018 1521 -- 1948 1733 300kz
Dermochelys coriacea

10 Dec, 2018 1522 -- 1947 1734 300kz
Lepidochelys olivacea

10 Dec, 2018 1523 -- 1946 1735 300kz
C. mydas incorrectly described as E. imbricata

10 Dec, 2018 1561 -- Block 152 BF 150 1200kz
Green turtle in border of Fish SS

10 Dec, 2018 1565 -- 1950,
Block 155
BF 151 1200kz
Chelonia mydas in SS with 4 sea turtles
in sheet border

ANGOLA: Counterfeit Stamps

20 May, 1975 160 144a 216 184 $10
Green turtle

12 Feb, 1976 246 240 250 219 $10
#160 overprinted

10 Aug, 1983 537 560a 541 492 10
Leatherback, perf 13.5
10 Aug, 1983 537a 560b -- 492a 10 Looks like #537, but perf. 12

10 Aug, 1983 538 561a 542 493 35
Hawksbill, perf 13.5
10 Aug, 1983 538a 561b -- 493a 35 Looks like #538, but perf. 12

10 Aug, 1983 539 562a 543 494 75
Green turtle, perf 13.5
10 Aug, 1983 539a 562b -- 494a 75 Looks like #539, but perf. 12

10 Aug, 1983 540 563a 544 495 $1
Loggerhead, perf 13.5
10 Aug, 1983 540a 563b -- 495a $1 Looks like #540, but perf. 12

10 Aug, 1983 541 MS564a Block 49 BF49 $5

24 Aug, 1998 974 1016 1000 315 15
Int'l Arts Festival 1998;Treasure Island

28 Jun, 1982 662 MS747 Block 62 BF63 $5

5 Apr, 1993 1660 1768 1779 1571 $1
5 Apr, 1993 1660j 1768 1779 1571 $1 Leatherback
5 Apr, 1993 1660l 1770 1781 1573 $1 Hawksbill

31 Jul, 1994 1807 MS1976 Block 294 BF 295 $6

15 May, 1995 1888d 2088 2130 1835 75

17 Aug, 1998 2162c 2633 2716 2383 40

11 Jun, 2001 2472e 3379 3481 3010 $1.65
Green turtle

11 Jun, 2001 2473c 3371 3473 2987 $1.65

11 Jun, 2001 2476 MS3381D 3485,
Block 503
BF488 $6
2 hawksbills

8 Apr, 2002 2560 MS3580a 503 BF526 $6
Olive ridley

12 Aug, 2002 2570h 3620 3763 3218 $1.50

5 Apr, 2007 2964 MS4096 Block 647 BF 637 --
Tiny sea turtle in Cayman Coat of
Arms on flag in S/S border

3 Dec, 2012 3200 f & g MS 4402 5063, 4 $1.25
Green turtle

3 Dec, 2012 3203 MS 4405 Block 702 $3.50
3 Dec, 2012 3203a -- 5053 $3.50 Chelonia mydas
3 Dec, 2012 3203c -- 5055 $3.50 Dermochelys coriacea

25 May, 2016 3331c -- 5380 4564 $3.15
Leatherback on stamp in Reptiles sheet;
green turtle in sheet border
25 May, 2016 3332d -- 5381 4565 $3.15 Green turtle stamp in Reptiles sheet;
green turtle also in border

1 Aug, 2017 3381a-d MS 4492 5522-25 4464-67 -
Although entitled "Hawksbill Sea Turtle"
top 2 stamps in MS show green turtles;
hawksbill also in border

1 Aug, 2017 3382a-d MS 4491 5526-29 4668-71 --
Hawksbill turtle sheet with 4 $7 stamps;
hawksbill also in border

28 Mar, 2023 3665a-f -- 5237-42 --
1 large & many small stylized sea turtles in
border of sheet "The World of Beautiful Turtles"
- no sea turtles on any of the stamps in sheet

28 Mar, 2023 3666 -- --
1 large & many small stylized sea turtles in
border of SS "The World of Beautiful Turtles"

27 Sep, 1995 126 168 164 1025 15

27 Sep, 1995 127 169 165 1026 50
Green turtle

27 Sep, 1995 128 170 166 1027 95

27 Sep, 1995 129 171 167 1028 100

29 May, 1997 150f 205 201,
Block 1
201 90
Green turtle

31 Oct, 2002 B68 313 299 299 60+30
From Child Welfare set

30 Sep, 2003 237 327 313 313 25
Hawksbill hatchlings

30 Sep, 2003 238 328 314 314 60
Leatherback hatchlings

30 Sep, 2003 239 329 315 315 75
Green turtle hatchlings

30 Sep, 2003 240 330 316 316 150
Loggerhead hatchlings

3 Sep, 2007 304c MS401 394,
Block 7
BF 5 500C

15 Nov, 2012 410e 656 689 668 100
Green turtle

3 Mar, 2017 533b MS 932 978 BF 14 130c
2 green turtles in Marine Life sheet

22 Apr, 2020 644 1091 1083 100c
Small sea turtle - 50 Years of Earth Day

8 Jun, 2022 685a 1132 BF17 420c
Green sea turtle resting in coral

2 Jul, 1934 24 22 23 22 1d
Green turtle on map of Ascension

2 Jul, 1934 26 24 25 24 2d

2 Jul, 1934 29 27 28 27 8d

2 Jul, 1934 31 29 30 29 2sh, 6p

19 Nov, 1956 70 65 70 71 7d
"Young turtles"

28 Aug, 1973 170 171 170 171 4p
Green turtle

28 Aug, 1973 171 172 171 172 9p

28 Aug, 1973 172 173 172 173 12p

21 May, 1978 229c 235 231 232 25p
"The Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) of Ascension
is justly famed as having been traditional provider
of soup for, among others, their Lordships of
the Admiralty."

8 Jan, 1979 237 244 239 240 12p

19 Apr, 1982 305 314 314 307 10p
Small silhouette in left border

19 Apr, 1982 306 315 315 308 12p
Small silhouette in left border

19 Apr, 1982 307 316 316 309 15p
Small silhouette in left border

19 Apr, 1982 308 317 317 310 40p
Small silhouette in left border

26 Jun, 1984 357 365 366 363 20p
Green turtle and/on coin

7 Jun, 1985 372 376 377 374 12p
2 small turtles at bottom

7 Jun, 1985 373 377 378 375 15p
2 small turtles at bottom

7 Jun, 1985 374 378 379 376 20p
2 small turtles at bottom

7 Jun, 1985 375 379 380 377 70p
2 small turtles at bottom

17 Nov, 1989 481 511 515 497 25p
Green turtle from booklet

13 Oct, 1992 550 588 595 572 18p
Cartoon Santa riding on sea turtle

22 Mar, 1994 585 624 633 606 20p
Green turtle hatchlings
22 Mar, 1994 586 625 634 607 25p
Green turtle
22 Mar, 1994 587 626 635 608 30p
Green turtle
22 Mar, 1994 588 627 636 609 65p
Green turtle
22 Mar, 1994 589 a-d MS628 a-d 637-40,
Block 26
BF 26 --
Green turtles

8 Mar, 2000 750 795 811 763 15p
Green turtle hatchlings

8 Mar, 2000 751 796 812 764 35p
Green turtle

8 Mar, 2000 752 797 813 765 40p
Green turtle with satellite tracking tag

8 Mar, 2000 753 798 814 766 50p
Green turtle with satellite tracking tag

8 Mar, 2000 754 MS799 814-18
Block 40
BF40 --
S/S with 4 green turtle stamps

8 May, 2000 754e MS800 Noted BF41 --
#754 with London 2000 logo

1 Feb, 2001 768 MS814 Block 42 BF43 --
Loggerhead & green turtle stamps
1 Feb, 2001 768a MS814 836 BF43 25p Green turtle stamp in #768
1 Feb, 2001 768b MS814 837 BF43 40p Loggerhead stamp in #768

28 Aug, 2002 812 861 889 813 2
Green turtle

24 Jul, 2006 (898a, b) (954, 955) (981, 982) (894,5) --
Stylized turtle in border of "Exploration and
Innovation" sheet commemorating 500th
Anniversary of death of Columbus

9 July, 2007 915 972 1006 911 40p
"Turtle Rescue" from scouting set, of a green
turtle stranded at high tide in the rocks
above Dead Man's Beach

5 Feb, 2008 928 991 1025 930 35p
Green turtle, egg deposition, and nest chamber

1 Oct, 2009 -- Noted (1082,3) -- --
Commemorating 100th Anniv. of birth
of sea turtle researcher Dr. Archie Carr

1 Oct, 2009 981a, b 1048, 9 1082, 3 984,5 15p
Se-tenant pair "Early turtle tracking"

1 Oct, 2009 -- Noted (1084,5) -- --
Commemorating 100th Anniv. of birth
of sea turtle researcher Dr. Archie Carr

1 Oct, 2009 982a, b 1050, 1 1084, 5 986,7 35p
Se-tenant pair "Assessing
Reproductive Output"

1 Oct, 2009 -- Noted (1086,7) -- --
Commemorating 100th Anniv. of birth
of sea turtle researcher Dr. Archie Carr

1 Oct, 2009 983a, b 1052, 3 1086, 7 988,9 40p
Se-tenant pair "Beach Raking; Population
Monitoring" (No turtle on #983b)

1 Oct, 2009 -- Noted (1088,9) -- --
Commemorating 100th Anniv. of birth
of sea turtle researcher Dr. Archie Carr

1 Oct, 2009 984a, b 1054, 5 1088, 9 990,1 65p
Se-tenant pair "Turtle Rescue"

14 Feb, 2015 C1-C6 1309-14 1265-70A 1135-40 None
Set of 6 non-denominated Airmail Postcard stamps
showing adult and hatchling green turtles

14 Feb, 2015 C7a-f 1214-19 1271-6A None
Same 6 non-denominated Airmail Postcard stamps
showing adult and hatchling green turtles;
no white margin

14 Feb, 2015 C7 MS 1220 Bl 77A BF 79 None
MS of 6 non-denominated Airmail Postcard stamps
showing adult and hatchling green turtles;
emerging hatchling in border

15 Jun, 2015 1140 1228 1284 1.60
2 green turtles in Coat of Arms in emblem;
commemorates Magna Carta Octocentenary

22 Oct, 2015 1146 1234 1290 1150 50p
2 green turtles in Coat of Arms on flag

22 Oct, 2015 1147 1235 1291 1151 55p
2 green turtles in Coat of Arms

3 Jul, 2016 1167 1254 1314 1165 65p
Green turtle - stamp commemorates 50th
Anniversary of BBC Testing Station

5 Dec, 2018 1210a 1297 1357 1207 65p
Hawksbill from Migratory Species set;
se-tenant pair
5 Dec, 2018 1210b 1298 1358 1208 65p
Hawksbill from Migratory Species set;
se-tenant pair

5 Dec, 2018 1211a 1299 1359 1209 1
Green turtle from Migratory Species set;
se-tenant pair
5 Dec, 2018 1211b 1300 1360 1210 1
Green turtle from Migratory Species set;
se-tenant pair

12 Dec, 2019 C1-6a 1309-14 1265-70C 1219-24 None
Reissue of 2015 set of 6 non-denominated Airmail
Postcard stamps showing adult and hatchling
green turtles; small 2019 replaces 2015

12 Dec, 2019 C7g -- 1271-6C 1219-24 None
Reissue of 2015 set of 6 non-denominated Airmail
Postcard stamps showing adult and hatchling green
turtles; small 2019 replaces 2015; no white margin

12 Dec, 2019 C7h-m MS 1315 Block 77C BF 82 None
Reissue of 2015 MS of 6 non-denominated Airmail
Postcard stamps showing adult and hatchling green
with emerging hatchling in border

22 Dec, 2020 1225 1321 1374 1230 50p
Green Sea Turtle

11 Nov, 2021 1240 1336 1389 1245 £1
Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas)

11 Nov, 2021 1242c MS 1338 Block 80 BF83 £1
Green Turtle on one stamp in "The Blue Belt
Programme" sheet

19 Dec, 2022 1259 3735 3658 3527 1,60
2 green turtles in Ascension Coat of Arms, on flag;
commemorates 100 years of civiliam rule

1991 -- -- -- -- $1
Cinderella with leatherback, Norpex '91 Newcastle

3 Oct, 1995 1462a 1556 1505 1466 45
Natator depressus hatchling

3 Oct, 1995 1465a MS1562 1511,
Block 20
BF 30 45
SS has embossed texture, luminous
after being lighted

3 Oct, 1995 1466 1563 1517 C 1472 45
Self-adhesive stamp

3 Oct, 1995 1471a 1568 Noted 45
Self-adhesive stamp in booklet

3 Oct, 1995 1471b 1568 Noted 45 Identical to #1466, issued in strip
with 5 other stamps

14 Oct, 1995 1465g Noted 1511,
Block 20
BF 33 45
"Adelaide Stamp & Collectibles Fair"

19 Oct, 1995 1465h Noted 1511,
Block 20 II
BF 34 45
"Sydney Centrepoint '95 Stamp Show"

20 Oct, 1995 1465i Noted 1511,
Block 20 III
BF 35 45
"Brisbane Stamp Show"

27 Oct, 1995 1465j Noted 1511,
Block 20 IV
BF 36 45
"Melbourne Stamp & Coin Fair"

28 Oct, 1995 1465k Noted 1511,
Block 20 V
BF 37 45
"Swanpex, WA "95"

14 Mar 1996 1486 1583 1537 I 1494 75

10 Apr, 1997 1535 1686 1663 BF48 $10
Stylized turtle in stamp border

10 Apr, 1997 1535a MS1686a Block 24 BF48 $10
Stylized turtle in SS border

29 May, 1997 1535b Noted Block 24 I BF48 $10
Pacific '97 overprint on #1535a

17 Nov, 1997 1531b Noted Block 26 BF 50 --
Stylized turtle in S/S border;
(same picture as in #1535a)

23 Oct, 1998 1535c Noted Block 24 II BF53 $10
Milan Philatelic Expo o/p on #1535a

8 Jul, 1999 1741 1861 1834 1760 $1.05

1 Aug, 2001 1535d -- Block 24 III BF66A $10
PhilaNippon '01 overprint on #1535a

15 Jul, 2004 (2225) (2367)
(2297) (2187) 50
"Finding Nemo" personal sheet with
cartoon turtles in border and on
single label

26 Jun, 2007 2707 2841 2856 2735 $1.25
Natator depressus

4 Aug, 2009 3130 3251 3255,
Block 89
3129 55
Green turtle - Jointly-issued stamp with
Cocos & Keeling Is., Norfolk Is.,
Christmas Is. & Australian Antarctic

4 Aug, 2009 3131 MS3252 Block 89 BF 119 --
#3130 in "Species at Risk" SS
jointly issued with Norfolk Is.; identical
to Norfolk #984

4 Aug, 2009 3136 3257 3260 3134 55
Self-adhesive stamp

20 Aug, 2013 3974 4047 4005 60
Green turtle

20 Aug, 2013 3979 SB 446 4009 60
Green turtle; self-adhesive stamp

20 Aug, 2013 3977a 4053 Block 172 60
Coral Reefs - green turtle

19 May, 2015 4299 4373 4309A 4150 70¢
Sea turtle sculpture created from ghost net
by indigenous artist Ellarose Savage

19 May, 2015 4302 4377 4315 4154 70¢
Sea turtle sculpture created from ghost net by
indigenous artist Ellarose Savage -
self-adhesive version

1 Aug, 2018 4828 4940 4827 4639 $1
Green Sea Turtle - Reef Safari

1 Aug, 2018 4832 MS 4944 Block 491 BF 259 $1
Reef Safari SS with green turtle on 1 stamp

1 Aug, 2018 4834 4946 4842 4643 $1
#4828 in self-adhesive version
from Reef Safari booklet

1 Aug, 2018 MS 4973 Block 495 BF 262 $1
Reef Safari MS with green turtle on stamps and
in border; special issue for 35th Asian Int'l Stamp
Exhibition 2018 in Macau

1 Aug, 2018 -- Block 492 $1
Reef Safari SS hot-stamped to produce 3D effect

1 Aug, 2018 4836A 4945a,
4841-4 C4643 --
Booklet, "Reef Safari: Life on the Great
Barrier Reef" includes stamp #4834

3 Oct, 2023 5671 5874 5455 $1.20
Sea turtle in background of stamp featuring
"The Little Mermaid" issued to commemorate
100 Years of Disney

3 Oct, 2023 5875 5879 5459 $1.20
Self-adhesive Disney "Little Mermaid" stamp

3 Jun, 2002 1894c 2635 2383,
Block 16
2215 €0,87
250th Anniversary, Sch nbrunn Zoo

29 Jun, 2022 2998 3735 3658 3527 €2,10
A 1566 painting by Giuseppe Arcimboldo entitled
"Wasser"; a stylized sea turtle is beneath
the pearls

12 Jun, 1995 521 235 224 216 100m

13 May, 2024 .6₼
Europa, Underwater Flora & Fauna -
Green Sea Turtle

27 Apr, 1971 316 362 321 305 4
Hawksbill, w/w 314
21 Sep, 1971 318 364 333 307 6 Looks like #316
2 Nov, 1976 400 468 404 Y 394 25 Looks like #316, w/w 173
6 Jan, 1978 439 521 404 Z 427 25 Looks like #316, no watermark
1979 -- 468A -- -- 25 Looks like #316, chalk-
surfaced paper

15 Aug, 1984 567 693 578 563j 50
C. mydas

15 Aug, 1984 567a MS694 Block 43 BF41a 50

15 Aug, 1984 568d 688 573 563d 31
Commemorates 25th Anniv. of National Trust

3 Sep, 1997 895 1107 939 910 60
Int'l Year of the Reefs

24 Nov, 1998 926 1155 981 963 15
Int'l Year of the Ocean

6 Apr, 1999 940d 1176 997 978 55
Green turtle, commemorates
40th Anniv. of National Trust

21 Sep, 1999 956 1193 1014 1013 15
Turtle Pond

21 Sep, 1999 957 1194 1015 1014 65
Green turtles & limestone cliffs

24 Nov, 2003 1093 1341 1166 1156 80
Painting by Alton Lowe,
"Waters of Life: Annual Visit"

3 Mar, 2010 1296 1566 1383 1381 65
"Friends of the Environment"

3 Jan, 2012 1344 1605 1432 1427 30
Hawksbill turtle in Marine Life set

30 Sep, 2013 1399a & b 1660 & 61 1491 & 92 1484 & 8 50c
Hawksbill turtles

26 Feb, 1985 657 776a 630 X I 612 $2.50
Green turtle
1 Jun, 1986 657a 807a 630 Y I 643 $2.50 Looks like #657, but with
different watermark

18 Aug, 1986 657b 807b 630 Y III 670 $2.50
Looks like #657, but with different
watermark; inscribed "1986" at bottom

15 Sep, 1987 657c 776b -- 707 $2.50
Looks like #657, but with different
watermark; inscribed "1987" at bottom

28 Oct, 1993 855e 1012 839 872 90
Prehistoric Archelon

29 Oct, 2007 1131 1319 1148 1184 10
Green turtle

29 Oct, 2007 1132 1320 1149 1185 50
Loggerhead turtle

29 Oct, 2007 1133 1321 1150 1186 $1
Hawksbill turtle

29 Oct, 2007 1134 1322 1151 1187 $2.50
Leatherback turtle

11 Nov, 1993 1401j & l 1480 1523 1341 $1
Antigua & Barbuda #1660
overprinted "Barbuda Mail"

22 Jan, 1995 1513 MS1677 1738,
Block 251
BF 238 $6
Antigua & Barbuda #1807
overprinted "Barbuda Mail"

13 Jun, 1996 1564d 1736 1805 1573 75
Antigua & Barbuda #1888
overprinted "Barbuda Mail"

16 Jun, 2000 -- 2247 2328 2014 40
Antigua & Barbuda #2162
overprinted "Barbuda Mail"

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