Country/Date Scott Gibbons Michel Yvert Denom. Comments / Description

1979 -- -- -- -- Var.
Loggerhead, leatherback, olive ridley &
hawksbill turtles on set of 4 stamps printed
but never issued, though some have been
reported in circulation. They were later issued
by the new government with various overprints

1979 -- -- -- -- $20
Green turtles in unissued SS, with 4 sea turtles in
border; later issued with different overprints

7 Apr, 1980 C 969 2230 2099 PA 943 90
"Unissued" loggerhead stamp with "1979 AÑO
DE LA LIBERACIÓN" overprinted, as well as

7 Apr, 1980 C 969B 2231 2100 PA 944 $2.00
"Unissued" leatherback stamp with same
overprints as #C 969

7 Apr, 1980 C 969C 2232 2101 PA 945 $2.20
"Unissued" olive ridley stamp with same
overprints as #C 969

7 Apr, 1980 C 969D 2233 2102 PA 946 $10.00
"Unissued" hawksbill stamp with same
overprints as #C 969

3 May, 1980 C 970C MS2234 Block 114 -- $5+$15
"Unissued" S/S overprinted "1979 AÑO

14 May, 1981 C 975 2262 2176 PA954 90
"Unissued" loggerhead stamp with "1980 AÑO

14 May, 1981 C 975A 2263 2177 PA955 $2.00
"Unissued" leatherback stamp with "1980 AÑO

14 May, 1981 C 975B 2264 2178 PA956 $2.20
"Unissued" olive ridley stamp with "1980 AÑO

14 May, 1981 C 975C 2265 2179 PA957 $10.00
"Unissued" hawksbill stamp with "1980 AÑO

15 May, 1981 C 975D MS2266 Block 136 -- $5.00
"Unissued" S/S overprinted "1980 AÑO

10 Dec, 1982 C1034 2425 2338 PA 1008 $2.50

5 Feb, 1989 1757 3020 2926 1514 C$4.00

1 Sep, 1994 2041n 3431 3431 1832 $1.50
Prehistoric archelon

1 Jun, 1999 2278 NI 3788a Block 284 (2301A-F) --
Prehistoric archelon or protostega in S/S border;
creature described as Brachisaurus on stamp 'f'
is not a turtle ancestor; several animals are
mis-identified on these stamps

22 Aug 2000 2334 3946 4162 2503 6 cor

22 Aug 2000 2337a-f MS3948a-f 4170-75 2511-16 7.50 cor
Hawksbill turtles on stamps 'a' & 'd'

2006 2464 4390,
BF 315 C$25
L. olivacea

23 Feb, 1998 976a-d -- 1472-5 1088-91,
Green turtles, including one drowned in net

23 Feb, 1998 976e -- -- Noted --
Like 976 but with 2 copies of each stamp

2 Sep, 1998 977c -- 1520 1118 250f

1999 -- -- -- -- --
#976e overprinted in margins
"China '99 World Philatelic Exhibition"
in both Chinese and English

20 Dec, 2013 1333 -- 2545-8 2175-8 --
Green turtle in border

20 Dec, 2013 1335a -- 2560 2119 750f
E. imbricata in stamp 'a'

20 Dec, 2013 1356 -- Block 2549 BF 250 2500f
C. mydas

25 Jun, 2014 1472 -- 2794,
Block 300
BF 302 2500f
C. mydas

Although the issues below were authorized by the postal administration of Niger, they were not placed
on sale in Niger but were only distributed to the new issue trade by Niger's philatelic agent.

30 Nov, 2014 -- -- 3184-8 2681-4 750f
E. imbricata misidentified as C. mydas in stamp 'd';
3 emerging hatchlings in MS border

30 Nov, 2014 -- -- 3188,
Block 381
BF 378 2500f
C. mydas in SS, with another in border

20 Apr, 2015 -- -- 3415-8 2882-5 825f
C. caretta, E. imbricata, and 2 C. mydas stamps in
MS; plastron view of another C. mydas in border

28 Dec, 2015 -- -- 3882 & 5 3155 & 8 750f
D. coriacea and L. olivacea in stamps 'a' & 'd'

28 Dec, 2015 -- -- 3886,
Block 401
BF 502 2700f
C. mydas in SS; L. olivacea among turtles in border

15 Aug, 2016 -- -- 4232 & 3 3559 & 60 750f
C. mydas and D. coriacea in stamps 'a' & 'b'

2 Dec, 2016 -- -- Block 605 BF 642 --
L. olivacea crawling over a pile of rocks in
border of SS

16 Dec, 2016 -- -- 4502 3715 850f
C mydas in stamp 'a' with another sea turtle
in background

20 Feb, 2017 -- -- 4747 3875 900f
Stylized C. mydas in stamp 'a'

3 Jul, 2017 -- -- 5010 4134 800f
C. mydas in stamp 'd'

22 Nov 2018 -- -- 6131 5004 800f
E. imbricata in stamp 'c'

22 Nov, 2018 -- -- 6133 BF 962 --
E. imbricata in SS border

27 Feb, 2019 -- -- 6285 5127 800f
C. caretta in stamp 'b'

27 Feb, 2019 -- -- 6288 BF 993 3300f
C. mydas in SS

25 Feb, 2021 -- -- Block 1181 BF 1204 3300f
C. caretta in SS

30 Aug, 2021 -- -- 6398 800f
Eretmochelys imbricata in Endangered
Species sheet

15 Mar, 2022 -- -- 6869-71 1000F
Tortues sheet with E. imbricata on stamp 'b',
misidentified L. olivacea on stamp 'c' and
C. caretta on stamp 'd' - 2 C. caretta and
E. imbricata in selvedge

15 Mar, 2022 -- -- BF 1413 3600F
Tortues SS with C. mydas on stamp; one turtle
in border misidentified as N. depressus

27 May, 2022 -- -- (8816-89) (7128-31) --
Archelon on large label in Prehistoric Aquatic Animals sheet, not on any stamp itself

15 Aug, 2022 -- -- 7422 1000f
C. caretta on stamp, with D. coriacea in
"Les tortues" sheet border

15 Aug, 2022 -- -- 7439 1000f
E. imbricata in "Endangered Species" sheet

15 Aug, 2022 -- -- BF 1543 3300f
Stylized "Cheloniidae sp." in "Les tortues" SS

20 Apr, 2023 -- -- 3600F
Chelonia mydas, incorrectly identified as
E. imbricata, in Endangered Species SS

20 Apr, 2023 -- -- 3600F
Eretmochelys imbricata in "Les Tortues" SS with
2 green turtles in border

26 Jun, 2023 -- -- 3600F
C. mydas through porthole of SS commemorates
195th birthday of Jules Verne

9 Oct, 2023 -- -- 1000F
Les Tortues sheet with 1 C. mydas stamp,
1 stamp with C. mydas and E. imbricata, and
2 C. mydas in selvedge

9 Oct, 2023 -- -- --
Les Tortues SS with 4 sea turtles in border only;
2 C. mydas, 1 D. coriacea and a stylized sea turtle
incorrectly identified as Trachemys terrapin

NIUAFO'OU (part of Tonga)
7 Mar, 1984 42 42 42 42 29s
Self-adhesive stamp; turtle
has 6 central scutes

1984 -- -- -- -- 40s on 29
"Stamp Duty" overprint on #42

6 Jun, 1990 129 143 179 129 15s
Stylized sea turtle in stamp border

6 Jun, 1990 130 144 180 130 42s

6 Jun, 1990 131 145 181 131 57s

6 Jun, 1990 132 146 182 132 T$2

4 Sep, 1990 133 MS147 183,
Block 10
BF10 T$1
Stylized sea turtle in SS border

31 Jul, 1991 139 MS156 193 BF 13 T$1
#133 overprinted with "1991 Ornithological
and Scientific Expedition"

30 Jun, 1995 174 218 274 228 60s
#129 overprinted

30 Jun, 1995 175 219 275 229 80s
#130 overprinted

30 Jun, 1995 176 220 276 230 80s
#131 overprinted

30 Jun, 1995 177 221 277 231 2 pa
#132 overprinted

30 Jun, 1995 178 MS222 278,
Block 15
BF 16 T$1.50
#133 overprinted with "Come Whale
Watching in the South Pacific"

20 May, 1998 707 836 900 680 20
Sea turtle with snorkelers

17 Mar, 1999 732a MS862 Block 128 BF 127 --
Turtle in margin of nudibranchs S/S

10 May, 2001 756 895 959 737 50
Green turtle hatchling

10 May, 2001 757 896 960 738 $1

10 May, 2001 758 897 961 739 $3
Green turtle

5 May, 1998 658 MS678 665,
Block 24
BF 27 $1.20
Sea turtle in SS border

16 Jun, 2000 708a MS736 726,
Block 35
BF40 75
Stylized sea turtle in SS;
8th Pacific Arts Festival 2000

25 Oct, 2005 860 940 934 873 50
Stylized sea turtle in left border;
dark lumps on beach are just rocks!

16 Feb, 2009 968a SB23 1053 985 15
Mosaic sea turtle from booklet;
self-adhesive stamp

4 Aug, 2009 983 1066 1068 1003 55
Jointly-issued stamp with Australia,
Cocos & Keeling Is., Christmas Is.,
and Australian Antarctic Territories

4 Aug, 2009 984 MS1067 Block 58 BF 61 --
#983 in "Species at Risk" SS jointly
issued by Australia, and identical
to Australia #3131

3 Nov, 2014 1103 1216 1223 1145 $1.70
Fabric Designs; Christmas stamp

12 Aug, 2002 439a-d 571-4 525-8 487-90 100b
Olive ridley on stamp 'a', green turtle on stamp 'b',
hawksbill on stamp 'c' & loggerhead on stamp 'd'

12 Aug, 2002 439e 570 Block 31 BF26 --
Marine Turtles in Oman

27 Sep, 2006 480c 672 632 580 100b
From Tourism set

14 May, 2019 630Ef MS 893 BLA 104 BF 96A --
Green or loggerhead turtle in border of Tourism SS

29 Sep, 2019 631 894 790 767 100b
Leatherback turtle and drawing

29 Sep, 2019 632 895 791 768 100b
Green turtle and drawing

29 Sep, 2019 633 896 792 769 100b
Hawksbill turtle and drawing

29 Sep, 2019 634 897 793 770 100b
Loggerhead turtle and drawing

29 Sep, 2019 635 898 794 771 500b
Olive ridley turtle and drawing

29 Sep, 2019 636a-e MS 899 795-99 BF 97 --
Omani Turtles MS; 5 sea turtle stamps plus olive ridley and 2 sea turtle drawings in sheet border

20 Jun, 1981 547 560 548 534 40p
Green turtle

29 Dec, 1988 703 756 735 719 Rs75
Maldives #1030 on stamp

28 Jul, 1983 12 12 12 12 10

11 Jun, 1985 80 17a 78 73 39
Green turtle

22 May, 1986 103w 124 128 114 14
Se-Tenant sheet of 40 stamps in underwater
panorama; hawksbill turtle on one stamp

28 Oct, 1986 116 158 162 144 22

10 Aug, 1990 246j 364 379 338 25

28 Dec, 1993 321l 655 672 600 29
2 hawksbills

16 Aug, 1994 335f 736 758 680 40

14 Oct, 1994 340c 755 777 690 29
Donald Duck & a little friend

1 Nov, 1994 344c 765 789 699 20
Small sea turtle in background

15 Aug, 1995 373b 919 938 833 32
Boy swimming with green turtle

15 Nov, 1995 383a-f 955-60 975-80 867-72 32 ea.
Life cycle of the hawksbill turtle

8 Oct, 1996 409d 1103 1126 1000 32
Tiny sea turtle on Santa's right

29 May, 1998 462i 1304 1338 1155 40
Small sea turtles on stamp & in adjacent border

19 Mar, 1999 495a-c 1405-7 1439-41 1251-3 33
Leatherback on stamp 'a', Kemp's ridley on
stamp 'b' & green turtle on stamp 'c'

19 Mar, 1999 497 MS1417a 1452,
Block 81
BF 75 $2

1 Nov, 2000 592b MS1758b 1816 1588 33
Stylized sea turtle on stamp 'b'

11 Jan, 2002 643 (1807-36) (1976- (1768-97) 20
Palau-Japan Friendship Bridge; se-tenant sheet
of 20 stamps; turtle in border, bottom right
11 Jan, 2002 644 (1837-66) (2006-35) (1705-34) 34
Same se-tenant sheet with 34 stamps

26 Apr, 2002 689e MS1921 2126 1846 60
Green turtle

6 Feb, 2004 746a-f MS1998a 2297-2302,
Block 173
1979-1984 60
Life Cycle of Turtles; green turtles on stamps 'a',
'c' & 'e'; loggerheads on stamps 'b', 'd', & 'f';
and a hawksbill in the border

6 Feb, 2004 747 MS1998b 2303,
Block 173
BF 159 $2
Green turtle

20 May, 2004 766 MS2005 Block 179 (2057-62) 37
Stylized sea turtle in upper border artwork

29 May, 2006 854w 2179 2558 2222 18
Identical to Scott #103 other than the values, the
logos in the upper corner, and the inscription
at the bottom

6 Nov, 2006 867b 2226 2606 2261 75
Volunteers tagging green turtle from SS
"Peace Corps Palau, 40th Anniversary"

2 Mar, 2010 1000 2390 2921 2544B 44
C. mydas painting

2 Mar, 2010 1003c MS 2393 2926 2546 75
E. imbricata painting

21 Dec, 2010 1028a-c MS 2419 2993-5 2588-90 --
Sea Turtles of Palau SS
"We're Worth More Alive!"
Green turtles on stamps 'a' & 'b', hawksbills
on stamp 'c' & in border

1 Oct, 2013 1168a MS 2585 3376 2866 $1.10
Hawksbill hatchlings, misidentified
as "Baby green turtles"

1 Jul, 2014 1214 3501,
Block 310
BF 298 $3.50
Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas)

27 Aug, 2014 1233 3522 2998 3
Chelonia mydas

18 May, 2016 1326w 3827 3223 .47
Identical to Sc #103 and Sc #854 other than
the value, logos in the upper corners, and
the inscription at the bottom

1 Oct, 2016 1345b 3907 3290 $1.50
Hawksbill turtle from "Protected Species
Under Palau Law" MS

10 Nov, 2017 1369e 3990 3382 .50
Cartoon turtle on stamp in sheet celebrating 50
years of the Palau Community Action Agency

26 Jun, 2018 1381b 4039 & 40 BF 355 $1.50
Green turtle in MS; joint issue with
Republic of China

9 Nov, 2018 1392a-f 4070-75 3457-62 --
Sea Turtles of Palau - MS of 6 stamps with
green turtle in border

28 Dec, 2019 1446a 4261 3586 1$
Sea turtle in Itabori wood carving;
sheet commemorates 25th Anniversary
of Diplomatic Relations with Japan

30 Nov, 2020 1964a-d 4322-25 3637-40 $2
4 watercolor paintings in MS; all are green
turtles except stamp 'b' is a hawksbill

30 Nov, 2020 1965a, b 4326 & 7,
Block 406
BF 381 $3
2 watercolor paintings of green turtles, in SS


11 Sep, 1990 781 1510 1708 1069 B/O.45
Olive ridley

6 Apr, 1995 815 1555 1754 1113 B/O .30
#781 overprinted with lower denomination

4 Dec, 2001 885 1646 1850 1203 B/O.20
Stylized sea turtle in drawing

8 Feb, 1984 592 472 467 466 5t
C. depressa is now Natator depressus

8 Feb, 1984 593 473 468 467 10t
Green turtle

8 Feb, 1984 594 474 469 468 15t

8 Feb, 1984 595 475 470 469 20t
Olive ridley; 7 lateral
and 6 central scutes

8 Feb, 1984 596 476 471 470 25t

8 Feb, 1984 597 477 472 471 40t

23 Sep, 1987 -- -- -- -- 25t
"Stamp Duty" overprinted on #596;
exact issue date uncertain;
Barefoot Cat. PNG Stamp Duty #84

23 Mar, 2007 1247 1158 1223 1133 10t

23 Mar, 2007 1248 1159 1224 1134 35t

23 Mar, 2007 1249 1160 1225 1135 85t

23 Mar, 2007 1250 1161 1226 1136 K3

23 Mar, 2007 1251 1162 1227 1137 K3.35
Green turtle

23 Mar, 2007 1252 1163 1228 1138 K5.35
Olive ridley

23 Mar, 2007 1253a-d MS 1164 1229-32,
Block 43
1139-42 Var.
Flatback hatchling in stamp 'a', leatherback
hatchling in stamp 'b', green turtle hatchling
in stamp 'c' & olive ridley n stamp 'd'; hawskbill
in sheet border

22 May, 2009 1384 1320 1424 1296 K 3.00
"Coral Triangle 2009 - Marine Turtles";
hawksbill turtle

22 May, 2009 1387b MS1323 1428,
Block 83
BF 63 --
S/S entitled "Coral Triangle 2009";
hawksbill turtle, similar to #1384

PENRHYN (Cook Islands)
7 Dec, 1995 447a& b 517 & 18 579 & 80 427 & 28 $1.15
Loggerhead & hawksbill turtles, issued as
se-tenant pair

7 Dec, 1995 448a& b 519 & 20 581 & 82 429 & 30 $1.65
Olive ridley & green turtles, issued as
se-tenant pair

6 May, 2011 499 585 659 491 $1.50

6 May, 2011 501a MS588 (647-61) BF 96 --
Tourism Sheet with photo of atoll
and hawksbill turtle stamp

28 Nov, 2014 540 645 739 569 $1
Green turtle

28 Nov, 2014 541 646 740 570 $1.70
Green turtle

28 Nov, 2014 542 647 741 571 $2.00
Juvenile green turtle

28 Nov, 2014 543 648 742 572 $2.40
Green turtles

28 Nov, 2014 544a-d 645-48a 743-6 565-8 Var.
#s 540-3 without white margins

28 Nov, 2014 545 MS 649 747 BF 110 $7.50
Green turtles

27 May, 2016 562 666 796 581 $1.50

22 May, 1999 1215 1987 1675 1173 $5
Fauna de la Selva Peruana

15 Nov, 2022 2054 2971 S/4.00
Chelonia mydas misidentified as Tortuga
carey, Eretmochelys imbricata

5 Jun, 1982 1590 1707 1475 1279 40
Green turtle

11 Jul, 1988 1933 2091 1862 1623 $1
Diver and hawksbill

10 Aug, 1995 2365a 2762 2528 2170 2p
ASEAN Environment Year

10 Aug, 1995 2366a MS2764 2530,
Block 87
BF 90 6p
#2365a in SS

24 Oct, 1997 2497 3021 2834 2378 8p
There are 2 sea turtles on this stamp,
one just beneath the letters "PIL", and the
lower part of a turtle just after the word

24 Oct, 1997 2498 MS3022 2835
Block 115
BF 125 16p
#2497 in SS; note the entire 2nd sea turtle
is visible on the stamp

24 Oct, 1998 2554 3166 2957 2479 15p
Stylized sea turtle

24 Oct, 1998 2554a MS3167 Block 125 BF 136 15p
#2554 in S/S; Int'l Year of the Ocean 1998

3 Feb, 2001 2711e 3401 3232 2658 5p

3 Feb, 2001 2716 MS3403c 3237,
Block 164
BF169 11p
#2711e in SS; Hong Kong 2001 Exhibition

24 Jun, 2002 2792c MS3505c 3339,
Block 174
BF 184 5p
Coastal Resources Conservation

31 Mar, 2006 3018a-d 3870-3 3766-9 3052-5 7p
Olive ridley on 'a', hawksbill on 'b',
loggerhead on 'c' & leatherback on 'd'

18 Nov, 2010 3277 4308 4430 3519 5p
Green Sea Turtle, Chelonia mydas

2 Aug, 2013 3493 MS 4667 Block 308 --
Green turtle in upper left border

2 Aug, 2013 3493l MS 4668 Noted --
Philippine Marine Biodiversity sheet
with Thailand World Stamp Expo logo

14 Oct, 2013 3499a 4681 4747 10p
Green turtle; stamp artwork is prize-
winning entry by Jaylord G. Aligway

PHILIPPINES (Puerto Princesa)
2009 -- -- -- -- --
5 D. coriacea stamps imprinted
"Puerto Princesa" - locals or cinderellas;
hatchlings are not Dc hatchlings

29 Sep, 1980 194 207 197 190 9
Carved sea turtles

12 Feb, 1986 266 281 274 264 9
Green turtle

12 Feb, 1986 267 282 275 265 20
Green turtle

12 Feb, 1986 268 283 276 266 70

12 Feb, 1986 269 284 277 267 $1.20

11 Oct, 2001 547 608 595 561D $3
Carved sea turtle in right-most stamp

15 Feb, 2006 636 709 699 652 $2
Line drawings of 3 sea turtles
superimposed on beach scene

30 Aug, 2006 644a, b MS20 711 & 12,
Block 44
BF 39 60 , $1.20
Small sea turtle overlaps 2 stamps

3 Dec, 2008 681a-d MS775a-d 768-71,
Block 50
BF 46 --
Green Turtles of Henderson Island;
UNESCO World Heritage Site

21 Feb, 2012 732a MS848 848,
Block 59
BF 55 $1.80
Sea turtle in design on one stamp in SS
"The Art of Pitcairn IV - Tapa"

26 Jul, 2017 832 MS 995 1003-10 903-10 --
Green turtle in upper right border
of Marine Reserve sheet

5 Nov, 1997 2195 MS2596 2228,
Block 132
2206 315 esc.
Commemorates the 500th Anniversary of
Discovery of the Sea Route to India

16 May, 2016 588 MS 709 620,
Block 62
BF 610 1,80
Loggerhead in Nature SS Diving stamp

PORTUGAL (Madeira)
17 Apr, 2007 258 385 269 276 0,45e
#258 in booklet pane

7 May, 2021 390 488 408 411 €0,88
Endangered Species - Caretta caretta

7 May, 2021 391a MS 489 Block 75 F 412 €1,76
Endangered Species SS - Caretta caretta

REDONDA (dependency of Antigua)
14 Jan, 1980 -- -- -- -- 50c
Green turtle

RIO MUNI (now Equatorial Guinea)
22 Feb, 1965 47 60 60 60 50 cts
Small sea turtle in coral

9 Feb, 2007 4918 6764 6165 5185 3,10 L
Caretta caretta

9 Feb, 2007 4919a -- Block 393 BF 327 --
S/S "Fauna of the Black Sea"

RWANDA: Counterfeit Stamps

20 Jan, 1966 137 172 166 133 3

19 Apr, 1982 368 393 357 355 7p
Sea turtle silhouette in left border

19 Apr, 1982 369 394 358 356 14p

19 Apr, 1982 370 395 359 357 25p

19 Apr, 1982 371 396 360 358 29p

18 Feb, 1994 372e 394 371 794 $1.20
C. caretta

18 Feb, 1994 373e 399 376 799 $1.20
#372e with Hong Kong '94 logo

27 Feb, 1995 381 427 390 812 10
Green turtle

27 Feb, 1995 382 428 391 813 40
Green turtle

27 Feb, 1995 383 429 392 814 50
Green turtle nesting

27 Feb, 1995 384 430 393 815 $1.00
Green turtle hatchlings

12 Mar, 2001 488f 596 564 376 $1.60

15 Jul, 1999 1104 1214 1114 1103 95

15 Mar, 2006 1229 1346 1252 1237 30
Highly stylized sea turtle figurine
by Llewellyn Xavier

18 Oct, 2014 1003 1214 1210 1118 0,69

St. THOMAS & PRINCE ISLANDS (São Tomé e Príncipe)
15 Dec, 1978 495c -- 532 515 5Db

15 Dec, 1978 496c -- 537 520 8Db
Issues commemorating 1st Anniversary
of new currency issue

2 Feb, 1991 980 -- 1226 1024 Db10

19 Apr, 1992 1054M -- Block 278 BF 123 Db800

22 May, 1998 1330 -- 1769 Dbs3,500

19 Nov, 2001 1400 -- 1949 1321 Db 3500
Olive ridley

19 Nov, 2001 1401 -- 1950 1322 Db 5000
Olive ridley

19 Nov, 2001 1402 -- 1951 1323 Db 6000
Olive ridley

19 Nov, 2001 1403 -- 1952 1324 Db 7500
Olive ridley hatchlings

31 Dec, 2002 1431a-d -- 2010-13,
Block 419
BF 205 Var.
Die-cut olive-ridley-turtle-shaped SS containing
4 olive ridley stamps, nearly same as #s 1400-03
but with different denominations

25 May, 2006 1596a-d -- 2825-8,
Block 41
(2062-5) --
Sea turtles on 2 labels in sheet
"Tartarugas", not on stamps

25 May, 2006 1596a -- 2825 2062 7000Db
Several tiny sea turtles in border
design of stamp

25 May, 2006 1596b -- 2826 2063 9000Db
Several tiny sea turtles in border
design of stamp

25 May, 2006 1596c -- 2827 2064 10000Db
Several tiny sea turtles in border
design of stamp

25 May, 2006 1596d -- 2828 2065 14000Db
Several tiny sea turtles in border
design of stamp

25 May, 2006 -- -- -- -- Db 7000
Deluxe SS of #1596a with sea
turtle in border

25 May, 2006 -- -- -- -- Db 10000
Deluxe SS of #1596c with
C. mydas in border

5 Nov, 2007 1743b -- 3071,
Block 599
2301 Db7000
L. olivacea and diver

5 Nov, 2007 1744 -- 3124,
Block k608
2289 Db9000
N. depressus and diver in
Vida Marinha sheet commemorating
Jacques Cousteau

5 Nov, 2007 1747f -- 3127,
Block 608
BF 391 --
Green turtle in S/S border

17 Jul, 2008 1871 -- (3575-8) (2764-7) --
SS of banknotes with animals; sea
turtle from Aruba 5 Florin bill in upper
left and lower right corners

25 Apr, 2009 2199 -- 3970 -- Db 8000
#1400 with all 4 stamps o/p'd
"Local at 20g"

25 Apr, 2009 2200 -- 3971 -- Db 8000
#1401 with all 4 stamps o/p'd
"Local at 20g"

25 Apr, 2009 2201 -- 3972 -- Db 8000
#1403 with all 4 stamps o/p'd
"Local at 20g"

2 Sep, 2010 2324 -- 4691,
Block 801
BF 573 --
Small sea turtle in SS border

30 Mar, 2011 2400 -- Block 831 (3842 & 43) --
Protec o das Ilhas Gal pagos -
sea turtle in SS border

10 May, 2013 2484c -- 5088 4054 Db 25000
Caretta caretta; stamp "c"

8 Aug, 2014 2696 -- Block 977 BF 739 Db 96000
C. mydas on stamp misidentified as E. imbricata;
C. mydas misidentified as C. caretta in border

17 Nov, 2014 2809b -- 5896 4777 Db 25000
D. coriacea in 'Tartarugas' sheet

17 Nov, 2014 2826 -- Block 1035 BF 799 Db 96000
C. mydas on stamp and C. caretta in SS border

18 Nov, 2015 2970a,c,d -- 2365-78 5071-4 Db 31000
C. mydas, C. caretta (2), and D. coriacea on
stamps 'a', 'c' and 'd' in 'Tartarugas' MS;
C. mydas also in sheet border

18 Nov, 2015 2989 -- Block 1118 BF 869 Db 96000
2 E. imbricata in border of 'Tartarugas' SS

30 Mar, 2016 3092 -- 6634 5294 Db 31000
C. caretta on stamp 'd' in 'Tartarugas' MS

12 Sep, 2016 3172 -- 6846-49 5471-74 Db 31000
E. imbricata and C. caretta on stamps 'b' and 'c' in
'Tartarugas' MS; 2 sea turtles in sheet border

12 Sep, 2016 3191 -- Block 1219 BF 969 Db 96000
C. mydas in border of 'Tartarugas' SS

3 Mar, 2017 3268 -- Block 1259 BF 1003 --
D. coriacea in SS border, with nest of
hatchlings emerging in background

8 May, 2017 3304 -- 7127,
Block 1274
BF 1039 Db 124000
E. imbricata on Endangered Species on Stamps SS;
while the monkey stamp is a legitimate 1987 issue,
the turtle 'stamp' appears to be a WWF sticker or
label and not a real Australian postage stamp

7 Nov, 2017 3489 -- 7437,
Block 1335
BF 1087 Db 124000
Stylized L. olivacea in SS with 3 others in border

9 May, 2018 3541a & d -- 7623, 6 6081 & 84 Db 31,00
N. depressus and D. coriacea on stamps 'a' and 'c'

9 May, 2018 3560 -- Block 1373 BF 1120 --
C. mydas hatchling in SS border

18 Sep, 2018 -- 7800 6239 Db 31,00
C. mydas in stamp 'c'

18 Sep, 2018 -- 7817 6252 Db 31,00
C. mydas in stamp 'd'

18 Sep, 2018 -- 7821 6256 Db 6,25
C. mydas in stamp 'd'
Each of the two items above ... as well as each of
the two items below ... were issued on the same
day in two different denominations and size formats; this picture shows the 4 of them
together so you can discern their sizes relative
to one another

18 Sep, 2018 -- 7842 BF 1162 Db 124,00
C. mydas in SS border

18 Sep, 2018 -- 7823 BF 1163 Db 25,00
C. mydas in SS border

6 Jun, 2019 -- 8338 BF 1270 --
E. imbricata in SS border, misidentified
as Caretta caretta

14 Aug, 2019 -- 8415 & 6 6729 & 30 Db 31,00
E. imbricata and C. caretta in stamps 'c' and 'd'

14 Aug, 2019 -- 8417 BF 1284 Db 124,00
D. coriacea in SS, with 2 C. mydas in border

19 Nov, 2019 -- 8620 6898 Db 31,00
C. mydas in stamp 'd' (along with Pope Francis
and Greta Thunberg)

5 Oct, 2021 -- (8184-86) --
Chelonia mydas (Green turtle) swimming in
border of "Tartarugas Africanas" SS

20 Dec, 2021 -- 8622 Db 31,00
Chelonia mydas (green turtle) incorrectly
identified as Caretta caretta on stamp 'd'

St. THOMAS & PRINCE ISLANDS (São Tomé e Príncipe): Counterfeit Stamps


St. VINCENT (& Grenadines)
31 Aug, 1989 1233i 1313 1296 1426 50
Kemp's ridley; sheet commemorates 500th
Anniersary of Discovery of the New World

20 Apr, 1994 2048l 2579 2732 2144 75
Prehistoric protostega

23 May, 1995 2178b 2940 3136 2434 90
Green turtles

23 Feb, 1998 2546 3962 4273 3401 $1.10

23 Feb, 1998 2548f 3968 4286 3437 $1.10
Green turtle

23 Feb, 1998 2549f 3974 4280 BF3998 $1.10
Green turtle

1 Jul, 1998 2605f 4122 4445 3550 $1
Green turtle

12 Apr, 1999 2676 4226 4569 3675 20
Green turtle

28 Feb, 2000 2751b 4444 4809 3833 50

1 Jul, 2002 3037 MS5140 5524, Bk585 BF 533 $6
Diver holding onto sea turtle in SS border

1 May, 2007 3588 MS5653 Block 680 BF 625 --
Tiny sea turtle in Cayman Coat of Arms
on flag in S/S border

23 Apr, 2010 3711 5821 6760 5391 25
"Caribbean Marine Life"
Dermochelys coriacea

23 Apr, 2010 3715b MS5825 6765 5396 $2
SS "Caribbean Marine Life"
Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Caretta caretta

6 Oct, 2011 3807 MS 5927 7030,B721 BF 670 $9
Green Sea Turtle, Chelonia
mydas, in SS

28 Nov, 2012 3843a MS 5960 7115 1592K $3.50
Hawksbill turtle

28 Nov, 2012 3844 MS 5961 7119 BF 678 $9
Hawksbill turtle

28 Nov, 2013 3886b MS 5964 7121,
Block 731
Hawksbill turtle

8 Sep, 2015 4001a 5236 $3.15
Hawksbill turtle from Reptiles sheet

8 Sep, 2015 4001d 5239 $3.15
Hawksbill hatchling from Reptiles sheet,
misidentified as leatherback

7 Mar, 2018 4145 5650-55 6330-35 --
Green Sea Turtles MS with 6 stamps,
and green turtle in sheet border

7 Mar, 2018 4146 5656 & 7 BF 799 --
Green Sea Turtles MS with 2 stamps,
and green turtle in sheet border

7 Mar, 2018 4148 5672 BF 797 $12
Caribbean Reptiles SS, green turtle hatchling
misidentified as loggerhead

Ste. MARIE ISLAND (Madagascar): Counterfeit Stamps

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